Chapter 1: An emergency call

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'All units, all units, 11-99, expedite cover code 3: Beacon Mental Hospital'

"184 copy, code 3. ETA 3 minutes"

'copy 184'

Detective Minnie  Morgan sitting in the back of a police vehicle next to her coworkers, on her right, Detective Joseph Oda; someone she'd consider a close friend and someone she cares deeply for and on her left Junior Detective Juli Kidman she isn't as close with Kidman unlike with Sebastian and Joseph but Minnie appreciates her seriousness and determination. She sits quietly as she  listens in as Connelly answers the radio, guess they're not going home just yet even after such a long day.

"Sorry Detectives i know you've just come off a case but i'm afraid we are going to have to make a detour" Connelly apologises

"sounds serious is it a riot?" Joseph asks

"is there injured" Minnie questions

"call went out just before i picked you up it said multiple homicides" Connelly explains "half a dozen of units already on scene"

'131 please advise'

"maybe its the ghost who went schizo and chopped up all those people" Connelly jokes Minnie rolls her eyes as Kidman and Sebastian stay silent.

"that's not what happened some patients disappeared some kind of scandal" Joseph explains leaning forward in his seat

"you know it isn't funny to make jokes like that" Minnie sighs

"sorry Detective, still gives you the creeps don't it" Connelly apologises to Minnie seeing her slight frown in the rearview mirror 

'127, 124 please respond'

"Joseph you think there's a connection" Sebastian finally speaks up turning his head to face the three detectives in the back

Minnie looks to her right at Joseph as he explains his reasoning

As the radio keeps cutting in and out Sebastian finally responds

"Dispatch this is Detective Castellanos in 184 whats the situation over?"

'184 be advised some problem... at beacon memorial... static'

As Sebastian goes to ask more question a high pitched ringing sound feels the car Minnie covers her ears

"what the hell" she mutters as Connelly goes to cover his ears and the car swerves

"Junior Detective Kidman any thoughts" Sebastian asks kidman whos been quiet the whole time, Minnie forgot she was there even thought she was sitting right next to her

"nothing yet i'm sure we know everything once we get there" they continue driving to the hospital in silence.

looking out the right-side window Minnie sighs deeply "it always looks so gloomy on a day like today" to which Joseph gives a small smile

"good thing people like me and you are there to brighten it up hey" he gives her a nudge, Minnie shakes her head with a small laugh

Finally getting there the five of them all get out the car to see several police vehicles abandoned and an ambulance also abandoned something isn't right here

Sebastian is the first to move as Minnie Walks close by looking around

"what do you make of it" Minnie asks Sebastian looking at him

"Connelly contact dispatch and let them know whats happening" Sebastian shoots a look at the officer

"Joseph, Kidman and Minnie you're with me" he informs them all "we're going to look around"

"right" Minnie nods

"connelly don't sleep on the job" Minnie jokes as he looks over at them with an unsure expression

The four detectives enter the gates of the hospital as they all take different ways to the building, as minnie is walking she notices the lack of officers around

"something feels off about this" Minnie mumbles to Joseph and Sebastian

"we will know more once we look around inside" Sebastian responds to which Minnie nods as they head up the stairs of the hospital

Sebastian opens the door making a disgusted sound covering his nose

"smells like blood" Joseph says approaching Sebastian

"okay stay sharp" Sebastian informs as Joseph pulls out his pistol Minnie and Kidman follow close by

"were going to check it out don't let anyone else through this door" Sebastian tells kidman

"i can be an extra set of eyes"

"we dont know whats happening you're our backup- both of you"

"hang on- i get why she has to stay but seriously?" Minnie shoots him a look

Sebastian just sighs as he walks inside after Joseph

"rude" Minnie mumbles turning her back to the door looking out at the area in front of her.

After some time Minnie hears some noise and heads inside pulling out her gun she approaches where she heard the noise

"Joseph where's sebastian?" she questions to see Joseph with a man who seems to be a doctor and a patient

"i don't know he went to check the cameras but you get these two out of here i'll find Seb" Joseph instructs her

"okay" Minnie helps them as she head outside to kidman, Kidman turns to face her with a confused expression

"lets go to the ambulance" Minnie nods her head "Kidman go get Connelly"

The two of them head to the ambulance when the ground started shaking

"what the fuck?!" Connelly questions

"woah, everyone get in!" Minnie yells "where the fuck is sebastian and Joseph!"

Connelly starts the engine as he reverses until he's at the doors of the hospital where Sebastian is looking around at the destruction

"DETECTIVE GET IN GET IN" he calls out

as they take off and Sebastian is finally in the ambulance he turns to the small window and checks on everyone in the back

"what about Joseph?" Sebastian asks

"he never came out" connelly responds

"please calm down leslie" the doctor tries to comfort his patient

minnie looks out the doors at all the destruction behind and in front of them with a frown " no going back- i hope Joseph is okay"

Connelly drives avoiding falling buildings cracks in the road and even building falling into each other.

whilst in a tunnel the radio chimes in but nothing

Minnie notices sebastian facing the back with a concerned look, Minnie makes a face but before she can asked Leslie begins saying 'fall' over and over until multiple bumps cause Kidman to fall and Minnie to try and balance herself

"look out" Kidman calls out Minnie stands to see what's happening as they fall over the edge, the ambulance crashes then nothing...

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