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A few hours later, Felix's alarm blared in his room, the sunlight just about hitting his eyes. He groaned, rubbing his eyes as he shut the device off, yawning as he sat up. He got ready for the day, half of his routine spent half-asleep but when he did wake up, he remembered Marinette in the room across his and he quickly finished up, not missing the note she left on his nightstand. He smiled, making a note to himself that he'll keep it someplace safe later, and he walked out his room, loudly pounding his fists on her door. "WAKE UPPPP!!!! WE'RE LATE FOR SCHOOOOL!!!!!"
There was a squeak and then a loud thud from inside the room, followed by a groan. "Go without me, my alarm didn't go off until now!" she called back, stumbling to her closet and picking out her outfit for the day.
He winced when he heard the thud, biting back a laugh. He knocked on the door even more. "Mother said I can't take the lift until you're with! HURRY UPP!!!!"
"I'm not ready!!" she screeched, slipping on a shirt and pair of jeans, not noticing the shirt was backwards, and quickly tied her hair up in a messy bun and applying mascara and lipgloss before opening the door, to come face to face with him. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier??"
He blinked, brows arching as he stepped back, looking at his wrist watch. He shrugged. "Five's a little too early," he said, unable to hold back the laugh when she saw the tag on her shirt. He cleared his throat. "I think you're wearing it... inside out."
"Yeah, and eight fifty is a little too late," she scoffed and then realized what he was talking about. She blinked and groaned, going back in the room and slamming the door before changing it to the right side, and then came back out again. "Thank you."
"Yeah, eight fifty," he said, nodding and closing the door behind her, pushing her away from the rooms and down the living room. "It's totally already eight fifty and we're totally late but I have to show you something."
She was about to object, but then heard the familiar joking in his voice and stopped in her tracks, going stiff so he couldn't push her anymore. She grabbed his wrist and looked at the watch, and then slowly looked up at him, a glare on her face. "You better run."
He knew she wasn't playing, and his smile disappeared. "Oh come on, it was just a harmless prank to get you up early! I wanted to show you something!" He said, already stepping back slowly, arms held defensively in front of him.
She stepped closer, staring at him through her lashes, lips pressed together, and then gave him a sickeningly sweet smile. "Show me what? Your gravestone? Glad you got to pick it out before you die," she said, cracking her knuckles.
Felix laughed nervously. "That is incredibly violent. Remember what Ms. Bustier said? It's never the answer. Maybe we could talk this out," he suggested, but seeing that she was a second away from tackling him, he knew it was time to resort to that. "Okay! Nevermind! Bear hugs!" He exclaimed, walking up to her wrapping her arms around her before she could run away at the announcement.
She gasped suddenly, and went completely still for a moment before yelping, thrashing and trying to get out of his grasp. "Let go of me!!" she hissed, but couldn't do anything, since he'd learned after a few times to hug her arms to her chest as well. So she was rendered useless.
"Unh-unh, not until I've hugged all of the negative chakra out of you," he teased, giggling, knowing just how much she hated it when he talked like some guru or hippie.
She pressed her lips together and looked up at him, having to basically look at the ceiling to do so. "Let go of me right this second, Felix Alec Graham de Vanily," she glared at him, trying to elbow him off her.
He looked down at her - basically having to look at the floor to do so as well. "Not until you ask nicely, my wonderful, non-violent, totally will not beat-me-up-the-moment-I-let-go-of-her friend," he said, smiling sweetly.
She blinked and grumbled, looking around. She wasn't going to apologize, not in the slightest, but she knew how to fix this. She'd never tried it before, but it would work. She smiled back at him. "Really?" she asked, tilting her head, and then stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips briefly, and while he was registering, tried to get out of his grasp.
His eyes widened, and blood rushed to his head, and he felt the slightest bit lightheaded, letting go of her. When he did regain his composure, though, he looked at her, bewildered. "What was that for?????? You stole my-" he gasped mid-sentence, just registering that certain fact, too. "You stole my first kiss!"
She blinked and looked at him, her own mind now registering this. She gulped and her own face flushed as well, looking at him with wide eyes. "I-..." she stammered, stepping back. "I'm sorry-" she winced. "I wasn't thinking, I just- just acted, I'm sorry," she said, disappointed in herself.
And he was wiping his lips - not that he didn't like the kiss, he just felt the need to put on an act - when he noticed the tinge of disappointment in her voice, and he stopped, sighing. "Don't beat yourself up over it, it's-" he scratched the back of his head. "It's fine. I guess I'll just say that that was a peck. Which is not a kiss. So."
She pressed her lips together and nodded, still looking a little upset. "Oh, okay," she said, taking a deep breath. "Um... I'm gonna go do my hair since I... have time now," she said, giving him a nervous smile, starting to back away.
He frowned, not buying her whole 'oh okay' thing and rolled his eyes, grabbing her wrist. "Do your hair where we're going. I told you I'm showing you something," he said and pulled her along with him to another flight of stairs that ultimately led to an empty hall. He let go of her hand to reach something in the ceiling, which turned out to be a trapdoor, and down with it came a ladder. He smiled at her. "After you."
She blinked, taken aback by the way he looked as if he didn't care, but followed regardless. She looked at the ladder hesitantly before nodding, beginning to slowly climb up. She still wasn't sure where he was taking her, but she trusted him, so she went along with it.
He grinned and followed up after she'd gone, and he closed the door from under him. It was a small attic, one dimly lit by the sunlight pooling in from the round window by the wall. Two large beanbags sat in the corner, a small stack of books beside them, as well as paper and wrapping all over the floor. Felix was often neat, but when it came to this room, he'd often just let go. He grabbed his violin bag from the corner, and he pointed her to a beanbag. "Go sit over there. There's a mirror on one of the bookstacks if you need," he said.
She looked around, eyes wide as she did so, and let her backpack drop to the ground, walking over to the beanbag. "Whoa," she muttered, and then looked at him. "You never told me you had a secret hideout," she giggled and sat down in the seat he told her to.
"It's in this house, my mother knows it, and it's not really secret. You're just the one not going to my house," he said and rolled his eyes, taking the instrument out of his bag. He turned to her. "Do your hair. I don't want you to look at me," he said as he tuned the violin, and then got into position, taking the bow out.
She blinked and watched him for a moment, then nodded in agreement, turning to the mirror with a smile. "Alright," she whispered, though when he wasn't looking, she would watch him in the background of the mirror, a smile plastered on her face.
He would notice her glance, and honestly it irked him off a little bit, so he'd turn away the slightest bit from the mirror. Comfortable enough, he finally played the first note, and then the second, soon a melody playing after the other. Even though she asked for Panini the night prior, he had rather play her something emotional, perhaps something meaningful. It was part of the reason why he didn't really wanna be looked at, maybe she'd think it cheesy or weirdly, especially now that he played Vivaldi's Spring seamlessly, the notes a soft hum in the room, along with the morning birds that chirped from outside.
As soon as the tune began, she couldn't help herself, and turned to look at him, smiling. Her smile only grew as the song continued, and though all she saw was the back of his head and his fingertips moving swiftly on the one end of the violin, it shocked her. She was so proud, so intrigued. But she didn't want him to stop, so she turned back to the mirror and closed her eyes, sitting on the ground cross legged as she listened, the way the music pierced her soul and sent such a nostalgic type feeling through her.
And the gaze was gone, he felt, so he turned back to face her, still playing the piece. None could have prepared him though, to see her reflection from the mirror, the smile evident on her face, eyes closed as she seemingly cherished the music he played. Though as long as the piece was, and as much as he didn't want it to end, it did, and he ended it as cleanly as the score allowed him. He took a deep breath when he finished, realizing it better for her to break the silence, and he turned his back to her again, to put the instrument back in the bag.
She finally opened her eyes and looked at him behind her in the mirror, the smile still present. "You're so good at it," she giggled, turning around and walking over to him, sitting beside him. "Am I allowed to look at you now?" she teased, scrunching up her nose.
He glanced at her, looking away just as quickly. "Yeah, I guess," he said and cast the bag aside, before really turning to her now. "Did you like it?"
She smiled and nodded, resting her cheeks on her palms. "I liked it a lot," she said. "How long have you been practicing for?" she asked curiously.
Felix hummed in thought, sitting down as well and turning to her. "A few months before we met. I picked it up out of boredom mostly," he replied.
She smiled and nodded. "That's awesome," she said, scooting closer to him. "When you get really good, you should teach me, maybe. It would be kinda fun," she smiled at him.
"Only if you teach me how to make clothes, too," he said, looking at her. "That way it'd be a fair trade. And we can hype each other up more if we're both knowledgeable, right?" He giggled, scrunching up his nose.
She arched her brows, seriously considering the trade off. A wide grin spread on her lips and she nodded. "I'd love that, actually!" she chirped, and then hugged him tightly. "Thank you for showing me," she whispered.
He was a little taken aback, but he melted into the hug and returned it just a tightly, ruffling her hair. "You're welcome," he whispered, pressing a kiss atop her head. When they pulled away, he reached for something in his pocket - a key - and he handed it to her. "And you're also welcome up here anytime. Just... lock it when you go, mother sometimes goes through the mess and I lose some stuff."
She looked at her hand that held the key and as his hand retreated, hers closed tight around it. Her gaze returned up to the blonde and she smiled, nodding. "Wow, that's an honor," she said softly. "But okay. Promise,"
she said, holding out her pinky.
He smiled, locking his pinky with hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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