Chapter Twenty Four

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*3 Months later*

“I hate you.” Kayla said, rolling her eyes. “Why do we even have to go to this stupid dance anyway?”

I smiled. “Because it’ll be fun.”

“It won’t be fun. It’ll be boring. We already have to spend enough time with the losers in our class as is. Why spend extra time with them?”

“They’re not that bad.”

“NOT THAT BAD?!?!” Kayla practically screamed. Some shoppers glanced our way and began to walk away hurriedly. “That Violet chick dose everything she can to make your life a living nightmare!”

“She probably has … issues at home.”

“That’s no excuse.” Kayla said briskly.


“What? It makes me mad that she treats you the way she does.”

“She dosen’t even-“

“She treats you like crap, Leilah. Don’t lie to me.”

I just shook my head. “So what kind of dress do you want?”

“I don’t want any type of dress.” She retorted.

“I meant, what type of dress would you prefer?”

“I can’t be pink. Can’t have ruffles. Can’t be girly.. . can’t be too long. Can’t be-“

“Okay. Okay.” I said, holding my hand up. “I’ll pick the dress.”

And I did pick the dress. One for me too. Mine was knee length, a pale pink, with tassels under it, giving it a bit of shape. Kayla’s was the complete opposite. She’d picked a black no-fuss dress, that was strapless and simple. All in all, I guess we were pretty happy with our choices.

Kayla was even swinging her bag as we left the shopping centre, whistling. To be honest, I was thrilled. I couldn’t wait for the dance. Liam was going to be there. Well, at least that’s what he’d promised. He would remember… right? It seemed like ages since I’d seen him. Him or Jerome. I felt a pang of guilt. During the first couple of weeks I’d been seriously angry at Jerome. He’d tried to contact me, through any means necessary. After a while he just gave up trying. He stopped all together, and we hadn’t spoken since. Looking back on it now, I realise how petty I’d been. I mean, who would pick school over their career?

He was a lot more famous now, His picture everywhere, plastered on countless billboards. His newest and first album, One Last Time, had recently made it to eleven on the top one hundred. It was rumoured that he was going to do a duet with Usher.

Not that I was keeping tabs on him or anything.




“Honey, How’d you go?” Mum asked, looking up from the carrots she was shopping. “Kayla, did you get anything you liked?”

Kayla shrugged. “I don’t like it, But I suppose it isn’t hideous.”

Mum smiled. “I’m glad. Leilah, Jerome rang for you while you were out.”

Time slowed. “What?”

“Jerome rang for you. He was wondering if you still wanted him to accompany you to the formal. I said you’d ring back.”

I swallowed. Shit. I’d forgotten all about that.

“I thought Leilah was going with Liam.” Kayla said, frowning.

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