the forbidden forest

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One ordinary day lilly was hanging out with her friends Roxy,Tia and her girlfriend Tilly talking about the game they played the night before. Out of the blue Tia and tilly said (In sink) "we are going for a walk though the forbidden forest".About 5 minutes into there walk Tia stabbed tilly and ran of back to her friends in tears saying "somebody just came up to my and tilly stabbed her and started to chasing after me".At first Roxy didn't believe her so she asked "Tia can you take me and lilly to Tilly's body". Tia smerked and took them to Tilly's body and said whilst taking out a knife "this is wath happens when you call me a sociopathic bitch".Roxy screamed and said "you sociopathic asshole".Tia repedly stabbed screamed " you bitch" and ran as fast as she could.Tia started to chasing after lilly holding the knife screaming "GET BACK HERE I WILL LILLY YOU EVEN IF IT TAKES ME 1 MILLON YEARS".As liĺy was running for her life she ran into a cop"why you running little One" he asked. Lilly replied "My friend is chasing me with a knife and has killed 2 of my friends". Meanwhile Tia was running out of the forest and the cop screamed "DROP THE WEPON AND PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK" Tia did wath the cop said and was arrested for murder and was in prison for went back to her family and lived a happy life but has nightmares of that night every day

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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