Chapter 3

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The teens and Valka are flying on there dragons, making their way to Outcast island. Astrid is very worried. She doesn't what she will find when the get to Alvin with Hiccup. She will must likely chop his head off with her axe.

She knows he won't admit it, but she can tell Snotlout is worried for his cousin. He is on edge and keeps zoning out. And if you can look closely, you can see the worry in his eyes. But don't tell him you know, he will just deny it.

Astrid is leading them to the island. When they see it come into view, Astrid gets all fidgety. But not in the bad way.

When they land, the island looks the same but empty. But you can never tell you go farther on the island.

They hop off their dragons and start walking. They pass by rocks but they find one with parchment on it.

Astrid walks over and takes it.

It reads:

Silly dragon riders.

Do you think I would make it easy to find your chief? Well... you thought wrong. We have traveled west to a sacred island. It was abandoned centuries ago and is now in use of holding him captive. We will not tell you where... because it can't and never will be easy for you. Good luck... and I hope you are smart enough to find this island.


Valka comes up from behind her when she sees Astrid. And she doesn't seem any happier.

She takes the paper and reads it. She hands it to the others. They read the paper and Valka walks back to Astrid. She puts a hand on er shoulder in a comforting way.

"He will be okay."

"I'm not even sure were to start looking. How are we going to find an island that isn't occupied and is west from here?"

"I think I have an idea. Being with a dragon for 20 years gives you time to explore many places. C'mon." She gestures for them to follow. They hop on there dragons and fly off.

Valka leads them for about an hour when they stop. The twins had a... mishap. Long story short, they need to get cleaned up and their dragon needs rest.

"How much longer are we?" Asks Fishlegs.

"Not much longer." Replies Valka.

They sit down, just taking a break.

"When are we going to set off soon?" Asks Astrid.

"We should go soon. Just in case we need more time."


Third POV

He siting by the wall, waiting to hear the heavy footsteps that have been being heard for about three hours.

His back hurts- no... everything hurts. He fears for when he comes back, torturing him for answers hat he will never give.



Sorry for it being so short.

I didn't know what else to put.

I might not update for awhile.

Remember my cat with the infection?

Yea.. she isn't doing to good with that.

And there's more to it.

But I might get to update before Saturday.

That's are time limit with her.

And I will break down.

And sorry if this chapter is crappy.

It's hard to type while listening to music while typing.


Bye Chikas!

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