[BEEHIND] Golden Disc Awards 2021

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[BEEHIND] Golden Disc Awards 2021


Hanny: Today...

(Laughing mode ON from the start)

Hanny: I can't stop laughing
Hanny: I heard HANNY is really busy these days getting ready for her album and all. So I'm just here to fix myself a bit so I can receive it on her behalf. Also, it's going to done un-tact today so we can wear masks. So I think I easily fool everyone.

(It's a secret that I'm Haneul)

Hanny: When I was young, I used to win at math contests and writing contests too.

(Suddenly an elderly vibe)

Hanny: Stories from a long time ago. Today, I've dressed up like this,...

(Sparkly. Fancy dress for today)

Hanny: Nice and sparkly. In the back is... Too bad you can only see it from the back, but..

(Even Haneul's backside is ravishing)
(HANNY disguise complete)

Minjae: Today, it's about living HANNY's life

Hanny: Yes. Yeah, um...

(System error)
(Haneul, age 22, YouTuber, Disguised as HANNY)

Hanny: Yes, it is

Minjae: What

Hanny: A celebrity's life is... Celebrities are... It sounds so... Very... Fun, getting to dress up like this and all. Yeah? They get to put on sparkly makeup like this. They even doing your hair for you. It's so great. I'm only getting to experience this for a day. But I think it'll be a great experience. So I told them I was happy to accept it on her behalf

Minjae: I even did the all the...

Hanny: Pre-recorded videos and all


Hanny: Worked like a charm, right? It was me that they filmed, for the pre-recorded tapes. Yeah. Never... Um... Before that, I never sang like that in my life. Um... It was so... It was a huge deal. But still... Worked like a charm, right?

Minjae: I had no idea

Hanny: No idea, right? Watch everyone see this and be super surprised

(Surprised at how gorgeous she is then again, at how amazingly she sings. One surprise after another)

Hanny: The way I see it, I fooled the band and the dancers too, completely. They had no idea it was me. They really didn't I fooled them flawlessly

Minjae: They still have no idea, I think

Hanny: They still don't know. When they watch the show, it'll be quite the surprise. That was a hard day too

(Haneul in a dress)

Hanny: I was in in this dress

(Cutie Haneul)

Hanny: Then in this two-piece. HANNY's life seemed quite fun to live

(Enjoy it all)

Hanny: All that fun dancing and singing on stage seems very fun

Minjae: Now that you've tried out HANNY's life, was there anything difficult about it?

Hanny: Difficult?


Hanny: The hard part was, I guess, having to practice singing a lot. And, I'm not a singer myself

(YouTuber Haneul)

Hanny: But I had to get on stage and pretend that I'm HANNY, and sing like her too. So that was hard. When I saw her on TV, she'd just be singing all smiley-faced. So I thought, "Sure, I can do that too". But turns out, it wasn't like what I thought it'd be.
MC: For the finale, she..

(Hi Siri)

Hanny: Oh no. Oh no, what now? Ooh no, what is this? I want to see it

(So here it is... Best Digital Song Hanny)
(Fingers excited to watch it)

Hanny: She looks very happy
Hanny: Hello, I'm HANNY. It's great to see you all I'm here at the Golden Disc Awards
Hanny: She's out of breath. She walked in right after, so she's running out of breath

(Perfect wrap-up)

Hanny: I was quite nervous there. Thank goodness for the mask. Pretending to be HANNY... Is quite... You couldn't tell though, right?

(Here's HANNY's stage)
(Monitoring. Now let's go straight to HANNY's stage)

Hanny: What an amazing handwriting

(For you to love again... For you to walk again... Love Poem)
(Bursting with singing talent and bursting with beauty)
(Moving backstage for today's big event)

Hanny: Would you like to make a million roses bloom, with me? Just paint those petals as we please even when they wither. So pretty! Bam! Bam!
MC: The 35th Golden Disc Awards Song of the Year award goes to HANNY!

(Digital Song Division - Song of the Year)

Hanny: It's truly an honor to receive this award I'll never waste a single moment, so that I can be the HANNY you're proud of

(Being photogenic backstage)

Hanny: Wow, I'm running out of breath. Great job to you all. Thank you. There is no joking around when it comes to this award. So I'll be serious. Thank you BLUEMINGs, I love you. I'm so happy. I'll have to do even better this year. There's this much pressure now


Hanny: There's this much pressure now I'll do a good job so that I can be the HANNY you're proud of, just like I said so in my speech. Isn't the trophy so pretty?

(Proud of her award. Thank you)

Hanny: Great job everyone

Minjae: Great job everyone. Where are we headed next?

Hanny: To where...? Wait, that's not me

(Waving a no)

Hanny: Wait that's not me. That's not me, I'm telling you

(But it is me)

Hanny: For that, you have to talk to HANNY. I'm going back become YouTuber Haneul.

Minjae: Oh...I see

Hanny: Yeah, um... Today's it for me. My part ends here.

Minjae: Right here. Then, you can return the trophy


Minjae: You can go home now

Hanny: Too bad. Then I'll be off then. Hope you do a good job, HANNY. This is where my part ends. Great job everyone and thank you.



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