Chapter one

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The familiar sounds of footsteps came closer, three people, two large males and one smaller one, gender indeterminable. Probably guards on patrol. My training told me to hide, mask my breathing, but such things were useless now, in captivity. The cells were well used and vampire adapted, garlic smeared over the bars, but I wasn't sure if it was a prison, or just holding cells.
The steps drew closer, coming towards the dark corridor I was at the end of. I assumed it was a new captive brought in. I had spent about two weeks here since I was caught, and I seemed to have stayed the longest in the corridor. People were dumped in cells a few times every day, but they didn't usually stay more than three days before getting dragged out again. I leaned against the stone wall. My eyes were well adapted to the darkness by now, but there wasn't much to see. Dirty stone walls, and dark cells across the corridor.
The footsteps turned in to my corridor, and light reflected on my bars from the guards lantern. I refused to close my eyes even as I was blinded, refused to be blind. I let my eyes adjust, and there they were, three men with faces veiled in darkness were standing outside my cell, looking at me. I pushed off the wall and stabilized my pose, in case I would need to fight, or run. The man holding the lantern- clearly a guard, stayed a proper meter (3 ft.) from the bars, scared of the garlic coating them. "Czaylin, correct?" I didn't answer him, but since they were scared of the bars, I made my way to the bars, touching them. Vampires were heavily allergic to garlic, their skin burnt from touching it and swallowing it usually results in death, or close to it as the throat would burn and fray from the inside and out. They didn't particularly like fire either, not because it could harm them, but because their hair and eyelashes could burn away.
My mind buckled slightly at the disgust at the bars as I licked one, staring the guard down. Garlic wasn't particularly tasty when raw, but it couldn't kill me. I wasn't a freaking bat. I smiled slightly at the guard before spitting him in the face, causing a blood boiling scream from him. I smiled as I watched him back away, covering his face with his hands as he backed into the cell on the other side, causing him to scream again. He was then just laying on the floor, trying to breathe. Who puts a human in a vampire cell anyways?
I turn to look at the two men. The smaller one, dressed in the same silvery armor as the first one seemed terrified. A born vampire I assumed. The other one met my stare. In the dim light it was hard to see his expression, but his eyes weren't angry or scared at all. Blood red eyes, like human stories of vampires.
"You'll do well." He said in a low, purring voice. Something told me he was smiling, and that his teeth were exceptionally sharp. I backed off from the bars.
"What do you want?" If he needed a job done I would gladly take him up on it. I had had my taste of captivity, and I wasn't particularly fond of it.

"Marry me."

...Wait what?
"Who the heck do you think I am?" I asked in annoyance.
"Your record says 'serial killer'."
"I prefer 'assassin'." I said. Don't put a wolf with a bunch of sheep.
"Even better. Marry me." This idiot.
"Piss off." I wasn't getting married, and most definitely not to a bloodsucker. I had been woken up way too many times in the middle of the night from getting snacked upon.
"I'm Darius ghoul. My brother is the current vampire king." I rolled my eyes.
"Do I look like I give a damn?" He looked me up and down and shrugged.
"The throne will be mine." I sighed.
"But the people won't accept a king without either a queen or an heir."
"So find a pretty bloodsucker lady who wants a throne." I said sarcastically.
"My brother would take every chance to kill her. I need someone who can stay alive. Someone unknown to them." Made enough sense.
"I'm not spending the rest of my life with a bloodsucker, especially not a royal one." He laughed.
"As if I would want to keep a human when she goes old and grey." And now I wanted to punch him.
"Oh go piss yourself." He chuckled.
"I like you. So how about marry me?" Annoying bastard.
"The sentiment is not returned." I stated, but sighed. "What do I get out of it?" He seemed to go over his options before replying: "I'll give you a free pass out of jail for future use, and I can pay you well." Money. Heck I was weak to money.
"How much are we talking about?" I said before thinking it over. I swore silently. I shouldn't have said that, but what if this was my only chance at leaving?
"Depends how well you do. But how about X (My country has a weird money system, so you'll have to insert what would make sense in your country)?" That's a lot of money. I could get a really nice apartment with that, and have enough left for living expenses for a few years- or maybe I could even get a panther! No. Not a panther, bad idea. I could get a cat. A... big, black cat. I hope. And a really fucking fancy sniper rifle.

"One condition." There was a devilish smile in the darkness. "Yes?"
"I am not food." There was a rumbling laughter in the corridor. "Noted."
"I will garlic-spray anyone who even tries."
"Of course you will. But if you drop a garlic bomb in the royal court I don't think even I can get you out of it."
"Fine, get me out of here."
"Right away." He nodded to the guard, who shakily started fumbling with keys.

Thank you for reading my story!
If you like my writing please check out my other stories as well! All stories I have published are in the same world.

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