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Gaining admission to one of the best high schools in my hometown was what I needed at that point in my life. My dad won't fail to always put it to my face how perfect, and brilliant my younger brother was and I was nothing like him. While I will give it to him, he was brilliant in the sciences but I was also perfect in art. My dad won't see that part of me as anything because he sees art as the west of time. Nwabueze is my father's name. He is a trader who resides in Kaduna, a northern part of Nigeria.
Married to Ijaoma my mother who also resides with him in Kaduna. My father and mother are very popular people in Kaduna where we reside. Knowing that we received our primary education in the north he said we would have to receive our secondary education in the east so we don't forget where we came from. So I wrote an entrance examination at Catherine Catholic school Nsukka Enugu Nigeria and my brother also wrote an entrance examination at st Theresa high school Nsukka.

I was one class ahead of my younger brother but my dad decided we write a common entrance exam together so we can go into secondary school together. My father's reason for doing this is so that it will provoke me to do better. That singular act of his brought hatred and enmity between me and my younger brother. I was so angry, I didn't want I and my younger brother in the same class. So finally the result for the entrance exam we wrote was out.
I passed but my younger brother didn't pass. Everyone was excited but I was more excited. I was more excited not because I passed but because my younger brother didn't. I felt that alone will prove a point to my father to stop comparing him to me because I am different from him.

My name is Chinyere but my father calls my Adaolisa. I have two names because of the circumstances surrounding my birth. My dad said before I was born the name Adaeze was given to him in a dream to name me. And my mum said she gave me the name Chinyere because before my paternal grandmother died she asked her to name me Chinyere meaning "gods gift" and Adaolisa means "gods daughter."
But everyone prefers to call me chinyere. The name Adaolisa comes up once in a while especially when I make Father happy. He always tells me how much I remind him of his mother and how I look like her, behaves like her, and talk like her. Whenever he sees me in that image he calls me Adaolisa. I and my father are close but we have our differences lots of time. I am the first daughter and only girl.
I am older than four boys, Chidindu(god is alive), Mazuwechukwu( Do it for me god), Ikedinach (there is power in god), and kosisochukwu(As it pleases god). Chidindu is the one I am directly older than. I was always fighting with him over everything. To the point, I wonder if we are truly related by blood. Leaving home to the boarding school at the east was great news for me. I just wanted to leave all the negatives behind me and see a new world.

Getting into a new environment and adapting to it wasn't a big deal for me. I was doing just great. Making new friends wasn't that hard for me. People were easily glued to me and liking me or loving was not that difficult for people. I was small, smart, speaks well, dressed neatly, always organized, and perfect in everything. This quality of mine made some people quite jealous. I made lots of friends as much as I made lots of enemies too.

Some of my enemies disgust themselves to be my friend just to asses me and understand why she is so perfect at everything she does. In my first grade in junior secondary, I underwent surgery because I suffered from a hernia and appendix. At that second term of my first grade that the surgery happened I was admitted to the school hospital and I was missing everything that was happening in school at that period.

When I was discharged from the hospital, I resumed school, and I found out that a good samaritan was helpful to me during my absence. I am so emotional that it made me immediately concluded she must be a nice person and I should be friends with her. I had other friends but none of them came through for me during this period, so that singular act of hers made me see her as an actual friend more than the rest. I bought her eatable gifts to thank her for her hospitality and concern.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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