Chapter 8

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Cole doesn't bring up your timid behavior the next day, you make a point to lean against him on the couch and hold his hand when you walk down to a food truck for lunch. You aren't sure you want him to confront you about it. At the same time if you didn't want to be called out on it and be forced to talk about it then you wouldn't be thinking circles around yourself like this.

Your phone chimes and you're reminded to check your backlog of messages. You've been avoiding looking at your phone to enjoy Cole's company fully. You pull out the outdated device and find a dozen texts from Volks and a few from everyone else, wanting you to check in. Cole observes casually from the sides of his vision. "Hmm. So many boys... How could you ever make time for them all?" He says offhandedly.

You look up from a chastising text from Volks. "I mainly hang out with Volks and Garret..." You say defensively.

"I didn't see a single girl's name among your recent texts." His tone is mildly accusing. You swivel the office chair you're in to face him as he types on his computer, his screen turned away from you.

"I— I don't... all of my female friends live back home." You admit. He glanced over at you, brow raised.

"If you were really mine, I'd want you to swear every last minute to ME." He laughs lightly as if joking but something in his eyes is too serious.

"I am yours" You mutter looking down at your feet as you kick them lightly against the floor. His laugh stops in its track, his mouth shutting quickly, his teeth clicking together.

"I'm pleased to hear you say that. I wasn't trying to imply anything unsavory about you." He taps a finger against his desk looking at the ceiling and mulling over his next words. "Of course you're loyal to me, it's them and their desires I worry about."

"They never flirt with me." You say with scenarity. His lips pull back in a grimace, his eyes narrowed as if pained.

"Your naivety is part of your charm, but surely you understand that at bare minimum that wolf boy is looking to 'bury the bone' if you know what I mean." He raises his eyebrows higher when you tilt your head in confusion to emphasize his meaning. When it does dawn on you you shake your head.

"Volks is just protective... like a big brother." Cole smiles widely at this statement, finding humor in your words.

"Yes of course. I do see your big brother always hanging around you with his sharp, dog-like senses. You must feel safe with him around, even with a killer on the loose... I really should thank him for looking after you." He goes back to typing with his mood greatly improved. "Since it's Christmas soon I should buy him a gift... Do you, by any chance, know what type of chocolates he favors?"

You smile at his change of heart and wave your hand with an uneasy gesture. "I don't think dog or wolf Therian can eat chocolate... even when human."

"Oh of course, how short sighted of me." He coolly replies. "I've never had pets before."

You look at the clock hanging over his desk, it's getting late. Late enough for dinner. Cole tends to eat a lot of take out, a problem many of your male friends have. Most citing no time or no experience. The thought of making Cole a meal is always unreasonably enticing. It just feels right. "I think I'll run to the store and get some stuff to make dinner... oh I should get enough to cook most of the meals while I'm here at least." After all, you are spending four days at least. You haven't decided if you're going to keep staying over past the day after Christmas.

"Need company?" He offers immediately.

"No you stay and work I'll be back soon!"


His fixationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora