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As I arose from my slumber ready for the new morning to begin, I sat up in my bed in my quarters, looking outside. I had several large windows that were shielded by curtains. I opened them and looked outside at the view. It was, in my opinion, probably one of the best views from within the castle. There was rain lightly pattering against the beautifully arched glass, the green yet gloomy nature of the outside world welcoming the waters that surrounded the castle. The storm from yesterday still lingered on, but I did not mind. The rain is usually a sign of change, whether that be good or not. I feared neither.

I readied myself for the day rather earlier than I should have to make sure that I had everything in order. From my wand all the way to spare quills and parchment for the students, I made sure to double-check that all was well before leaving for my first breakfast at Hogwarts as a teacher. As I exited my classroom, I couldn't help but think about how it was big and roomy, fortunately. I knew all of the items that were showcased in the showcase room that was connected to it at the moment and could not wait to show the students what new objects awaited them this year. I had brought in Muggle instruments as well as technology that modern musicians used. Just for show, I had even brought in a cellular telephone.

Shutting the classroom door behind me as I descended to the Great Hall, I knew I was early as I was the only one venturing the corridors at this hour. I made my way to my seat and was delighted to be greeted by Dumbledore and McGonagall. I gave them both a smile.

"Good morning, Headmaster. Minerva."

"Good morning, Hathor. Had a good night's rest?" Minerva smiled, looking at me over her glasses and tight bun.

I could only assume, out of politeness, we were all seated and not touching our utensils and plates while waiting for all the others.

"Oh, yes. I find rain very comforting. I appreciate you asking," I said, taking my seat and letting my hair fall behind my shoulders.

"Ah yes, the rain," Dumbledore smiled. "Out with the old and in with the new it seems, although it is a cycle."

Though he said this out loud, I knew that he was saying it more for himself than with me.

As several minutes passed by, the other professors began to join us, and I was soon joined by an early Severus. He was wearing the same outfit as always. I wondered if this was an everyday look. I did not greet him, as last night's encounter was still fresh on my mind. It was an awkward exchange that did not leave a good impression on me, but for some reason, drew me closer. Curiosity killed the cat, but it hadn't killed me yet.

"Good morning, Hathor," he said in his usual, monotone, bland-sounding voice.

"Morning, Severus," I said back, attempting to match his nonchalant attitude, though it was difficult to act that careless when I had a new, outstanding job to look forward to.

As a Slytherin myself, I was putting together his behavior in my mind like a jigsaw puzzle. He seemed very on edge all the time, his arms always gripping one another beneath the table: typically the right gripping the left, but only for brief moments before returning to resting on his lap in a neat, polite manner. Perhaps I was just capturing him on his bad days, but no one else found it unusual. Was every day a bad day?

As the students began piling in, the food appeared on the tables and plates, ranging from things like porridge to toast. Severus himself picked out porridge and some berries. Somehow, it seemed fitting that he would have a breakfast like that. I myself took some eggs and bacon to begin the day using toast to neatly gather my food together.

I knew that first impressions were important, so my appetite wasn't the soundest. I could feel two gloomy eyes glaring at me, burning metaphorical holes into my figure but I chose to ignore it instead. After maybe one or two bites of breakfast, I neatly set my utensils aside and rested my hands in my lap, looking at the students and conversing with colleagues. Severus didn't seem to be one for small conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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