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"So when are you asking Moon to be your girlfriend?" Fezco asks. He looks up at me from the counter as he gives a stranger his change.

"Maybe after graduation" i tell him sitting on the counter. "Why after?". I was thinking of doing it before but i wasnt so sure, im also not even sure about doing it after.

Luna and i are together almost everyday. And i never get sick of her, if anything, i get sick of being away from her for more than two minutes. So imagine how much it sucks having to sleep without her next to me

"Honestly i really dont know when to ask her. Maybe ill ask her at graduation" i say and he shrugs. Ive been with other people before. But no one has made me feel so good about myself.

Ive never felt this way about anyone, it's completely different with Luna but im such a good way. When we started hanging out more, its like we knew eachother for years. We did already know eachother since freshman year

But we didnt talk, only said hi to eachother a couple times. Shes a savage as well, she got into fights at school but only to defend the people she loves. Obviously if someone puts their hands on her first for no reason, shes not gonna let herself.

Shes the sweetest. To me atleast. She hates being nice because people took advantage of it before, so now she sticks up for herself

People dont hate her tho, if anything they like her because shes so honest and real. Thats what i love about her too. If you want an honest opinion on something, Luna is your girl. She wont lie about anything unless its for a good reason.

Ashtray and Luna get along now more than they did before. He gets all soft but when he realizes it he goes back to being a jackass , but its honestly really funny. I know he cares about her because he knows i really like her

Fez and Luna have always been close. Since they first met. They hit it off and fez is like the older brother she never had. Hes always looking out for her, and is always there when she needs someone.

My family loves Luna, and i honestly think i do too. If you know what i mean.


"Hey sexy mama" i hear behind me. I turn around and see Luna walking in to the store. I laugh and she comes over and gives me a hug. "I missed you" i whisper in her ear

"You just seen me this morning babe" she smiles. "I know, it was horrible when you left" i say and she laughs. "You wanna come sleep over?" I ask her as i grab my things.

"Yeah, i just wanna stop by Rue's place, she hasnt called or texted me in like a week and i havent seen her at school" she tells me with a worried face. I nod and we head out after saying goodbye to fez and ash, telling them ill see them at home

"So i was thinking..." Luna starts off. "Thinking... about??" I look over at her. She smiles, grabbing the steering wheel with her left hand and putting her right hand on my thigh. The butterflies that i got, insane.

"We're graduating next month, we should take a little vacay, you know, to reward ourselves" she chuckles. "Oo that sounds fun, where to tho?"

"Im not sure yet, we have a little time to think about it tho" she says and i nod "im so down, i need a break from these kids" i sigh


After checking up on Rue, who by the way, is back in rehab. We went back to my place and watched movies in my room.

"You wanna skip school tomorrow? I dont feel like going" Luna asked, with her eyes still locked on the tv. "Yeah we can stay here if you want" i tell her as i play with her hair

She nods and continues to watch the movie. Shes laying a little lower than me, her arms wrapped around my waist with her head on my chest and our legs are intertwined

"We need to talk" she says getting up and sitting on my thighs. Her hands rest on my stomach as my hands are on each side of her thighs.

"About what?" I asked confused. She sighs,looks at me and looks down at her hands, picking at her nails. I gently grab them and rub circles on the top of her hand with my thumb

"im in love with you" She blurts, catching herself and i off guard. My stomach drops hearing those words come out of her mouth. All i could do was smile.

We stay in silence, she gives me a look waiting for me to say something. Without saying a word i grab her by the colar of her shirt and pull it so her face is closer to me and i smash my lips onto hers

We pull away after a couple seconds and she smiles and blushes. "Im in love with you too ma" i say as i grab her hands.


You guysss the Walton family is so adorableeeee😭 daelo?? THE CUTEST LITTLE MAN IVE EVER SEEEEEENNN !!

Anyway, ENJOY!!

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