The drawing

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It was a normal day in the school. I never thought that my obsession would come to this. It's just her knees are SO hot. I sat across the art room, staring at her knees with my lust filled eyes.

The crevasses were just so perfect, and all the different little hairs. Placed so delicately on her leg. And the creases 😫 don't even get me started on the creases

The large rips in her jeans, placed right where her knee is. I lick my lips, but turn back to my project before I get to carried away.

I heard our teacher tell us we had about 5 minutes to finish our project. I picked my pencil back up and began drawing.

The project was supposed to be a drawing of something or someone who inspired you. I still hadn't drawn anything.

All I can remember is picking up the pencil and my hand began to do the work. When the teacher said it was time to bring our work to her, I looked down at what I had drawn.

What I saw was a




I will say however, the knee did look mighty FOINE. It looked like a delicacy. I could fork and knife it. Yes it did look that scrumptious.

As fast as I could, I flipped the sheet over and scribbled a stick figure of a woman that looked slightly like my mom. I showed it to the teacher and she gave me a D-.

I waited in line, I was talking to Madi while Laney and Ry were having a conversation behind us. Laney and Ry always seemed to stick together. At first I thought Laney was a backstabbing bitch, but when I confronted her about it, she told me that she wasn't interested in knees but instead  liked showing people her feet on omegle, i never talked to again after that shit. Anyways, Ever since that day I felt as though she was the only one I could trust with my secret. 

When we had our our break, I would gush my feelings about Ry's knees to Laney. eventually i came clean to maddie to. they were  always nice to talk to, but the truth is...

i felt like they would judge me if i told them the truth... that i... that i... t-t-that iiiiii llllll—iikeeee Ry's weenusses to...

i knew they had no interest in their weenusses but i couldn't help but get a bit nervous they would freak tf out and yell at me for constantly trying to touch the tip to

Her kneesWhere stories live. Discover now