"𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝟴-𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗕𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴"

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"We begin in the Hiziri Tavern, a quaint little 'Femboy Hooters' like type of pub in the heart of Thra. The Unstoppables had their last stop there for the particular reason of Guilfy working there.
They sat around a table and talked of their rewarding victories that had been taking a grand toll on them. A bunch of elf-ish femboys sat all around them, one on Raegar's lap, two between Rowan and Alfur, one twirling Howell's hair as he read a book, and one sat behind Jedidiah, braiding the giant's curly, brown hair as Guilfy (a femboy himself and a employee of said pub) sat in Jed's lap.
"So there we are, about to die, when Howell here created a fiery shadow portal and said, "Now show me how a god dies". And WHOOSHHH!!! It destroys Belzak just like that!" Raegar exclaimed as everyone laughed as they drank.
"I mean, I asked. So all he did was show me how a god dies," Howell chuckled as he took a swig of his beer and looked back at his book.
"You must've been soooo brave taking down a god like that," one femboy elf said as he traced his fingers along Howell's chest. Howell chuckled a little as he blushed.
"Looks like you've got a friend, Howell," Alfur snickered. Rowan gently shouldered Alfy and pointed to Jed and Guilfy, who were nuzzling noses together lovingly, making the two smile.
Raegar slammed his cup down and laughed.
"Ohhh yeah, you all shoulda seen him! Had the magics of a thousand wizards stacked against him! And we all had to do our part just to make sure not to be killed."
Howell cackled as he looked at Raegar.
"You guys tried not to get killed whilst I had to use power beyond what I could handle. Also, why are you guys making 'Goo Goo Eyes' here? You know there's a room in the back," Howell shouted a little as he pointed out the obvious of Jed and Guilfy's mushiness.
They both giggled as they kissed each other.
"Jealous much, Howie?" Jed asked with a bit of mischief in his voice.
"U-Umm...no. Of course not," Howell sniffed while stuffing his nose back in the book. (He was indeed jealous because of his crush on the young gelfling and his semi-crush on the barbarian)
"I-I just don't think all the other femboys here would appreciate the lack of attention." he mumbled under his breath.
"OH YEAH!!! That reminds me. I gotta tell you guys something about our next little mission. Boys, if you please?" Raegar said as he motioned for the femboys to give them space.
"Of course. And for the record, Guilfy is the face of this establishment, Howie. He gets to do whatever he wants, wherever he wants," said a blond-haired elf as he slipped his hand under Howell's chin. This made Howell blush uncontrollably.
"U-Um...w-well..." he stuttered.
"Yeah, Howell. Lighten up, I am the face of this place," Guilfy chuckled as he booped Howell on the nose.  Howell continued to blush as the elven boys left.
Raegar snickered as he motioned for the group to huddle in. They all did so.
"Okay, so. Have I ever told you guys about this little hideout that my brother and I went to to get high?"
"Wait, you and your brother Neil?" Rowan questioned.
"Isn't he the musical guy that fucked Howell once?" Alfur asked, whilst sipping some of their booze.
"Hey! We don't talk about that," Howell said with a tomato-red face.
"Heeheeyup! That's my bro! He and I found a really cool drug joint in WaterDeep, just in the backskirts of the town. A quiet little seaside dealie thing with a weird ass name. They called it, "The Gloryside Hole". Whoever decided to name it was a real nut job," Raegar said as he once again took a swig of his booze.
"So why bring that up?" Rowan asked, very intrigued at the knowledge of this said drug home.
"Well, it just so happens we're going back to WaterDeep. And I was kinda thinkin' that maybe you guys might be interested in going on a bit of a trip there with me," Raegar said with a mischievous smile.
"Wait a sec, Rae. Do you mean all of us?" Rowan asked as she motioned to Jedidiah and then leaned closer to Raegar.
"Cuz I uhh ....don't think it's a good idea for Jed to go for this." she whispered.
"Oh don't be such a 'Mom', Rowan," Howell chimed in patting Jed on the back.
"This could really put some hairs on Jed. I mean he does have the...'you know what' books from trading with Raegar," he chuckled and winked at Jed.
"Yeah, Bright Lady! I'm a man now. I think I can be okay with..umm... drugs. Heehee, come on." Jed chuckled as Guilfy jumped off his lap.
"Well..." Rowan started.
"THEN IT'S SETTLED!! We go as soon as Alexa is all tuned up!" Guilfy yelled as he took of his femboy outfit and threw it at his manager, Julseppee.
"Wh-What? Leavink so soon-a?" Julseppee asked as he caught the outfit.
"Sorry, Seppee. We're going on yet another quest! I'll be back soon. Just keep the pub running smooth okay?" Guilfy motioned for the group to follow as he walked out the door.
The others followed after him. When they got into Alexa, Guilfy flung the door open.
"HEY CATBOSS!! FIRE UP ALEXA!! WE'RE OFF TO WATERDEEP!!" he yelled at a pitch that made everyone cover their ears as they climed aboard. You could hear a thump from above them and a little yelp as Valum Dren walked down the stairs whilst rubbing his head.
"Uughh, exscuse you? Did you ever hear of manners when entering a caravan?" he asked rather annoyed.
"Sorry CatBoss. But we're just a little excited. Raegar's gonna take us to a drug house," Jed chuckled as he and Guilfy danced around like a couple of wild children.
"A what now? Raegar I thought better of you," Dren said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose and smirked.
"Oh shut it and let's get going already!" the green brute chuckled as they readied Alexa for travel.

〘࿂〙Welp...first part of a eight character fold of events. This'll be interesting. 😏〘࿂〙

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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