"I'm So Proud of You."

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You woke up to the sounds of birds outside of your house chirping louder than ever but no matter how loud they chirped and sang, you just weren't motivated to get out of bed.

You used the little bit of your strength to look at the sunflower alarm clock your boyfriend got you. Yet seeing that the time said 11:16 am made you regret looking at the alarm clock because it only made you feel worse. Today just wasn't your day.

You fell into another one of your depressing episodes and looking back at last night, you regretted worrying your boyfriend by staying up to finish your work til 4 am, but you regretted waking up even later than you usually do. You buried the back of your head onto your pillow and let your nose point to the ceiling as your eyes closed. But something felt wrong.

"Hmm.. I have work today.... Shit! Shit!! I have work today! I'm fucking late!" You thought to yourself. Your mind was rushing but you still couldn't get out of bed. Seconds later you gained some strength just and rolled out with no hesitation whatsoever, you impacted the ground with a loud thump but you'll focus on the pain later. Work was more important anyways.

You rushed to put on your clothes. You didn't even put on your best clothing, it was just black sweatpants, a medium sized shirt of your favorite band, and a blue hoodie your mom gave to you years before you moved out. You didn't even bother to do your hair so you grabbed a puffy pink scrunchie and picked up your white and pink jogging shoes.

You picked up your socks from the drawer and rushed to the living room and thats where you saw your boyfriend: Noriaki Kakyoin. He was just sitting on the couch painting. Even if you wanted to sit, his oil pastels and paintbrushes took each seat next to him.

"Morning Y/N. I was afraid you wouldn't wake up today." He said as he continued his painting, he didn't even look at you as he was so concentrated on his piece.

"Well I'm more afraid that I might get fired for being late! Why didn't you wake me up asshole!?"

Kakyoin stopped his painting and frowned. He put his paintbrush inside of a small can filled with gross colored water. He stared at you in your dark, circled eyes and replied:

"I called your boss and told them you were terribly sick today. You can at least thank me for having a couple days off to focus on yourself and your health at least." 

"I... Kakyoin I need the money to pay for this place! Did you forget that I'm already stressed with work and I don't want to get fired and.. and... God I didn't even want to get up today.. I hate how I do this.. why.. do I do this?? I hate myself.. I shouldn't have stayed up but I'm so.. nevermind.."

You pinch your nose and sighed. You honestly felt like crying, but you didn't want to annoy or scare your boyfriend with your constant stress and depressing episodes. "You should be his lover, not his responsibility" is a quote you've always said to yourself. You don't want to hurt him because he's the only one who cared enough to stay by your side through the years. You didn't even want to give him more stress on top of his own baggage. But as all those thoughts ran through your head, you felt the waterworks come out.

"Hey.. it's okay.. come here."
Kak moved his paint brushes and palettes and made you a spot to sit down in, he tapped gently onto the sofa seat and you sat down next to him and lied down on his lap. He took off your scrunchie and stroked your hair massaging your scalp in all the right spots.

"I'm so proud of you." 【Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader】Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang