Matteo Ashford

6 0 0

January 22, 2019

All it took was a bang through the gun shots ringing in my headphones for me to shoot up out of my chair. I turned to my door and immediately ran out to Penelope's room.

I walked in, preparing what hostile message would come out of my mouth, which i would most likely regret in the future. I look down at her only to find a small, peacefully sleeping four year old girl. She was known in our family for his shenanigans, whether it was her knocking down chairs, or smearing food against our walls. But time, it apparently this time it wasn't Penny..?

I look down the stairs, only to see the reflection of a flashlight through our mirror. But only Penny and I home right now, and our parents are away for the weekend. Realization finally hits me, as panic sets through my body. Holy shit. Is my house getting robbed?

I grab the scissors to the left of me that Penny left out (thank God for her messiness this one time,) and head down the stairs. I see a shadow near my kitchen and adrenaline rushes through my veins. I walk through the hallway towards the kitchen, careful not to make any noise.

I finally make it to the kitchen and it all happens in a blink of an eye. I through my scissors aiming for the criminals head, but i just miss. The girl screams. Yes, i said the girl. It sounded more like a squeak as she turned around, shocked and pointing her flashlight directly into my eyes.

"Tae, what the fuck! Are you trying to kill me?" The girl demanded at me, with a scared yet hatful tint of attitude in her voice. The voice did sound oddly familiar..

I slightly tilt my head at the girl blinding me with her flashlight. My squinted eyes couldn't make out her facial features, that was until she moved the flashlight downwards, so i could finally see who the break-in artist was.

"Vivian? What the hell are you doing in my house at 1:00? I thought i was getting robbed!" I spit at her. Me Vivian Hansley have never been close, but i wouldn't say we aren't friends. I talk to her occasionally, and I know she's a nice girl, but she's very quiet and only hangs around this one girl, who's name I can't remember for the life of me. They two seem very odd but at the same time nice, I guess?

She began to stutter over her words in a nervous manner, as her face turned a bright shade of pink. "I can explain, I swear! I didn't break into your house, well I did, but at the same time I didn't, we'll i kinda did..whatever that's not the point! Your back door was open and I didn't think you were home!"

I look down at the girl in pure amusement as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Oh, I get it. You just like to break into my house when I'm not home. Totally understandable." I said with a smirk.

"Thank you for understan- wait what, no that's not what i meant.." She said, clearly frustrated with the situation. She took a deep breath, almost to calm herself down before she started to speak again. "If you don't mind, I would like to tell you what really happened, if you have time of course.."

I pulled up two chairs to the counter top before replying, clearly amused,

"There's not much to do at 1:00am V, go for it."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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