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Hour One

The day was NORMAL. Completely NORMAL!

Tsukki had been dragged into blocking for Bokuto, again, as he usually was. Dragged may not be the right word, because while he does complain (a lot), he always accepts. Tadashi thinks he may be enjoying himself, because he knows his absolute fucking nerd of a best friend likes the feeling of learning and accomplishing new things and under Kuroo's, an experienced middle blocker, guidance he's been able to achieve that feeling again and again. Tadashi sees the look on his face when he blocks Bokuto's spikes during their practice games. He knows he isn't actually upset he's using the "Precious Time He Could Be Using To Rest" to practice.

Not since Tadashi had yelled at him about pride during their last training camp.

So, as far as Tadashi was concerned, everything had been normal.

He tried to look for the changes in routine or attitude by racking through his brain but he couldn't find anything.

Did this happen because Tadashi had tagged along to practice with them? Tsukki had invited him, who was he to say no?

Tadashi doubts the sole reason for why exactly he's standing over a stunned ten-year-old is the fact that he had tagged along for extra practice. That would be absurd!

Unless he broke some sort of rhythm? Some sort of chemical reaction? Had he defied the universe? Was he not supposed to come?

The silence that had overtaken the gym right after Tsukki's ten-year-old cry of surprise is stifling. Tadashi feels like he can't breathe. What the fuck?

Tsukki, previously fifteen years old, is now sitting before them, palms flat on the floor behind him, arms holding him up, legs bent, and pale. Very pale. His eyes dart from place to place, as if he's trying to fit together some sort of explanation as to why he's ten years old and sitting in the gym of a school in Tokyo at the tailend of summer.

His eyes lock with Tadashi's, something clicks in those golden-brown irises. He still looks pale, but familiarity briefly washes over his features.

Not even two seconds later, however, he seems to begin panicking again.

"Tadashi-kun?" Tsukki squeaks. Tadashi watches as his eyes rake over Tadashi's body. If he were in his shoes, he'd be bewildered too. Tadashi had grown a lot from ages ten to fifteen.

"Uh, hi, Kei-kun." He manages to sputter out.

When had he begun to call Tsukki Tsukki? Tadashi can't remember, but he's sure it may have been after Tsukki began to call him by his surname more often.

"Why are you-" Ten-year-old Tsukki stops himself and looks around the gym again. He somehow pales even more when he sees Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto, each wearing matching expressions of horror and confusion. "Wh- where..?" He stutters. Tadashi can almost hear him gulping.

He's be nervous, too.

Because, what the actual fuck.

Tadashi has no idea what to say to him. Little Tsukki looks scared, yeah, but Tadashi can't find any words to console him. What would he say? "Hey! It's going to be okay, you just somehow magically de-aged six years! No biggie, kid!" No! No, of course he fucking wouldn't, what kind of comfort would that bring?

Little Tsukki, or maybe he should be calling him Kei-kun, because that's what he called him when they were both ten-years-old, opens and closes his mouth a few times before letting it hang open, at a loss for words. He gapes like a fish, but Tadashi is too shocked to find that amusing.

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