2. True Intentions

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Leonardo Salvatore stood nervously in the foyer of the big castle, a little nervous of meeting his soon to be wife. He too had been prepped his whole life to marry a beautiful princess that he never met and knew nothing about. He was optimistic though, he expected a sweet and kind girl by his side today. Leonardo tried to be a kind and softer person, he wanted those around him to like him, the fear and respect already came with the title. The title he never knew he would have.

Leonardo was 3rd in line for his kingdom's throne, at first. His eldest brother was killed in battle when he was only 16, which took a toll on him. His oldest brother was the one he was closest with. A family of having 7 other brothers did not leave much space around, but somehow, him and his brother Julian clicked since he could walk. His other brother older than him, Raymond pronounced himself as gay to the family 5 years ago, and refused to take the throne unless he could marry the man he fell in love with. Although his parents were very supportive, and wanted Raymond to be as happy as possible, they could not go against the law. Two men could not sit on the throne together. Dimonushi hadn't progressed that far.

So it was up to him to take on the throne now. The sadder part was that he had not been trained like his elder brothers. He was strategic in battle, and he knew the basic's but he was artistic. He loved music and was a magician on the piano. He spent most of his days writing, playing, and composing. So he tried the last 5 years to learn as much as he could. But he still was very much uneducated. He knew he would marry to join forces his whole life, he just didn't ever think his marriage would be so important to his kingdom, always living in the shadow of his brothers.

So now he awaited the woman that would change his life forever, and he partially anticipated it. He knew to be a loving husband, to make sure his queen was taken care of in anyway she asked. He was polite and courteous.

Leonardo chewed on his nail as he watched someone come in. A tall dark haired man who dressed in all black. He was followed by what seemed to be a few guards. He brought in a dark demeanor, like hell was his playpen, and he could suck anyone into it. He had dark eyes and a strong face.

The man looked at him and made a slight grin. He walked over to Leo with a hand shake. "Hi, I'm Prince Donte of Arlingdale. You must be my new brother in law?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I am Prince Leonardo of Dimonushi" Leo said with a captivating smile. He was excited to meet his new addition to his family, another brother may not been what he anticipated the most, be he was willing to share all the love he could.

Donte on the other hand, was the absolute complete opposite. He was a dark and strong character. He grew in a land known greatly for poverty, it seemed as if the sun never shines in the land of Arlingdale. His father was cursed with a hardened heart. He abused his mother, and abused him as well. Donte was the only child. When he was born, he was satisfied that the got his male heir, and bore no more children from the queen. Instead he slept with many other women, and used Donte's mother as a human punching bag to get out all his frustration. When Donte was 16, his mother decided she wanted to flee from the king's abuse, and she planned to take her son with her. They packed their things, took two horses, and tried to flee the castle.

But when they reached the castle gates, the king was there with his general, waiting for them, already knowing of her plans of escape. The king gave the queen two options. She could leave and never return, but Donte had to stay, and take on the throne. Or both would return and be tried for treason, ending in the both of them being beheaded.

As you guessed it, the queen wanted to save her son's life, so she fled the land, leaving her son behind. Donte grew to be strong willed by his father. He learned the art of battle. The moral of kill or be killed. He thought only of profit and benefit, leaving out anything else. He had one duty and that was to be king and to expand anyways possible. For the more land, the more power. When a offer for the best trade induced kingdom to be included through marriage, he jumped at the opportunity, planning to take over the entire small kingdom of Bermingdale, making Arlingdale, rich and flourished with resources, and the strongest militia to ever be seen.

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