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A.N: This is the story of how phoenix got to jump city and met raven and hope/Amy. I know I said about the plan but I couldn't think of anything I hadn't said so more will be explained when we get to the fight seen so yeah.... ON WITH THE STORYYYYY!

Phoenix had never had a perfect life. Her father barely noticed she existed. Her mother had died. And Her little baby brother, Carlos had become too advanced for her. Her father was the sun. But it was difficult being a child when your dad is the necessity of 7 million people's lives. She would one day become the sun, but she wasn't the right material for it. It was a huge responsibility for her and she couldn't handle it. Carlos wasn't a super hero. He was too small. But he would be every teams first choice when he was older. He had a brain that gave him all knowledge and he was only 2! Phoenix had the power of fire and flight. It was a strong power so it had its limits. Her anger controls the volume of her powers but she can still kinda control when she uses them. After learning super hero stuff wasn't het forte, she traveled to Azarath to learn it's history. Once their she met hope, who took a liking to her straight away. "I'm hope. You wanna help me with something?" She asked. Her voice had a gorgeous tone to it and Phoenix liked it. "Sure!" 7 months later phoenix was ready to go to earth. Being there gave her a change of atmosphere that she enjoyed. Instantly she spotted raven in a book store. That's her thought Phoenix as she leaped to the ground. Her company had been organised by hope so there was nothing to worry about. She hoped. Luckily raven wasn't suspicious. Phoenix gave her her card and that was it. Next was phase two: Sister visit. All phoenix had to do was wait..........

I know it diffrent but it's just an overview of Phoenix. I'd like to (again) thank Oz20241 for the idea of her and yep. I think that's it. Leave a review if you want because I would like to know what you think so yeah. Bye!
Erinsnowwhite X

The one that's misunderstood. (Teen titans bbrae fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now