Chap 4

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Note: Bet you're surprised to see this again. :) Well, I said I would only update again if I had a great idea, and I just got 1! I was thinking of the Season 12 finale again, and I figured out a way to use that to give this fic the real ending that I think it deserved. So, hope you enjoy this!

The months passed. Eric left NCIS when the technology he developed the year before had turned him into a millionaire, and Nell was temporally filling in for Hetty while she was in Syria doing a classified mission.

This time, they were keeping in touch. They texted each other, they sometimes called each other. Eric was even keeping in contact with Hetty!

Just before Christmas

'Wait, you're how rich again?!' Hetty asked, really stunned.

'I know! Think I'm richer then you now?' Eric replied.

'Ha! Don't go there just yet, Mr. Beale.'

'This is really great! Not just in the 'finally being able to afford everything I've ever wanted' factor, but also in the 'being able to give Nell everything she wants' factor as well.'

'And how are you 2 doing?' Hetty asked.

'Well, we saw each other for the first time in a few months yesterday, and it was pretty good. I even updated Kalidiscope for OPS!' Eric replied.

'Well that's great! You 2 sound very happy together.'

'Well, we're just doing what we can to keep in touch while you're away. You are coming back soon, right?'

'I'm not sure when yet. I wish I knew.' Hetty replied.

Sounding disappointed. 'Oh.'

'But don't worry about me. You 2 just continue doing what you're doing!'

The next few months passed quickly. They kept calling each other, and even went on a few dates!

Sometime in April

'So, I might or might not have finally saved up enough money for this really big ring and...'

Then Hetty started to squeal, really loud.

'Wow! I haven't even told you why I bought it! (chuckle).' Eric said, surprised.

'Men don't just buy expensive rings when they don't plan on proposing! You plan on proposing to Miss Jones?' Hetty replied, excited.

'Uh, yes! In the near future. Feels like it's finally time to take that next step, you know?'

'Well, I'm really happy for you both. Just have 1 thing to say to you'

'Which is?' Eric asked.

In her scariest voice. 'Nell is like a daughter to me. You break her heart, I will end you, and I will love doing it! Understand?' Hetty replied.

(Gulps). 'Yes ma'am.'

A month later, Eric returned to NCIS to invites Nell to move with him to Japan, and after some thinking, and Hetty returning at the perfect time, she said yes!

When she was saying goodbye to Hetty, she asked when they would see each other again.

'Oh, I think it will be sooner then you think.' She replied.

'You sure?'

All Hetty gave in response was a cute wink.

Sure enough, she would see them again a few weeks later, for their big engagement party!

'Were you 2 secretly planning that proposal?' Nell asked.

'No, I only found out because he told me.' Hetty replied.

'And she squealed so loud, she almost me go deaf!' Eric remarked.

'Oh you wish.'

And a few months later, on the day they met at work all those years ago, they were married in front of all their families and friends, and Hetty even walked Nell down the aisle with her dad!

And an even bigger surprise came at the reception when Nell was giving a speech:

'Can Miss Henrietta Lange please come onto the dance floor for the mother/daughter dance?'

Everyone was stunned! Even more stunned was Hetty.

'You sure about this?' She asked.

'You've been basically my 2nd mom all of these years, so yeah. I'm sure.' Nell sweetly replied.

That adorable response then caused the usually non emotional OPS Manager to shed a few tears.

'You're like the daughter I never had as well!' Hetty blubbered in Nell's arms.

When Hetty was done crying, they shared a beautiful dance.

It was the perfect night. Who would've thought that a few sound words of advice could've brought 2 perfect-for-each-other souls back together again? Well, I guess it's possible when you're the legendary Hetty Lange. (wink wink!)

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