Rookies Inc.

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It was early in the morning, Echo had just woken up to find Fruit making breakfast, she thanks him before sitting down. This was a normal occurrence for the two as they often worked late and then woke up early. It was around 30 minutes later when the food was done, soon after they started hearing music nearing closer, Kyi had just awoken and was blasting ABBA music from his headphones like every morning. 

Everything seemed the same, except it wasn't, at least for Echo, she had woken up to a email inviting her to a ball for the new Rookies Inc. a sister corporation to Phama-Corp, made to let Rookies get a taste at what Phama-Corp was like, however it only gets the best of the best in rookie terms, and apparently they had thought that Echo was apart of that group. She honestly had no idea what to do, on one hand she really wanted to join Rookies Inc., on the other hand she wanted to stay with her friends, not knowing if they had also gotten the same invitation or not. Fruit saw that she was quite so he decided to ask her what's up, "Oh just this email I got this morning" Echo had thought that Fruit would drop it like normal, however this time he decided to press her on it "Come on Echo, I know you better than to just drop it, what was this email about? Was it anything concerning?" he asked and Echo looked at him with tired eyes "I'll say it when ABBAlover69 over here actually wakes up" she replied with a smirk on her face, then she continued eating.

An hour later Echo called a 'Family Meeting' as Kyi called it. Echo knew that there was never a better time than now to address the email still lying in her inbox, she was more than nerves, she knew that Fruit probably wouldn't have cared and would be pretty happy for her, however seeing as it had been a couple years since she had last seen Kyi, them only meeting up a month prior, she didn't exactly know how he would react, just knowing that fact gave her even more anxiety than before, if that was even possible. Once Fruit was in the living room he immediately saw how anxious Echo was "Heyyyyy Echo are you okay? Need to sit down?" he askes, trying to not ask her why she's anxious, knowing that that doesn't typically end up well, "Yeah actually lemme sit down for this, also, where Kyi?" she sits down next to Fruit and leans her head back, finally being able to breath some of the anxiety away, "he's probably checking his computer" and as soon as Fruit said that, the pair here Dancing Queen coming from the stairwell, even with a door between them and the stairs "We really need to get him new headphones" "yeah no kidding" both of them snicker at that as Kyi comes into the room "Hia parents, what's the point of this family meeting exactly?" he says as he sits down on the floor "Right well, I uh.." she pauses, not knowing how to continue "I got a email that...isinvitingmetotheRookiesinc.ball" she spits out, breathing slowly as she finally gets what was bothering her off her chest. The room is silent for a few minutes before Kyi says something "Wait, if I heard correctly, your saying you got the same email as me?" Kyi wanted clarification, if he heard correctly then this meant they could both go, although he didn't know if Fruit got the email as well, though he also didn't really care, "Oh my god no way we all got the same email....right?" Echo questioned while looking at both Fruit and Kyi from the angle she was in, the room was quite for a bit before it sunk into Echo 'wait...did Fruit even get the email?' she thought as she looked at his face, soon realizing that she already had the answer  "Look I'm happy for you both, so congratulation on getting in" Echo quickly looked at Kyi to get a gauge on what he was thinking, however she wasn't liking what she saw, Kyi looked over at her and started talking before she could "Look I understand that your upset that he didn't get in but that doesn't mean you can expect me to feel the same way, so stop looking at me with that judging look that mothers give" he said before getting up and walking upstairs. 

It took a while before Echo and Fruit started talking again, around lunchtime they both sat at the kitchen table, "Look I'm sorry fo-" "Look Echo" Fruit cut her off "I don't really care okay? Sure I'm a bit sad that we won't both get to go but its fine, I'm happy for you and that's all that matters, okay?" he finishes as Echo looks at him with sad eyes "I know but I'm still sorry for how Kyi acted, I know you two don't get along the best but that doesn't excuse how he acted" she says before getting up "Your not gonna do what I think your leaving to do, right?" Fruit asks as he follows her out of the kitchen "He was rude and after living with us for a while, he should expect this by now" she says heading up stairs, Fruit looks at her as he sighs and goes into the living room and sits on the couch, turning the tv on.

Kyi sits on his bed listening to his vary loud music, he sighs as he pauses the song he's on in favor of watching YouTube, that was until he heard a knock at his door "Come in" he yells slightly, the door opens and Echo emerges from the corridor, a small pit of dread starts up in his stomach as he already knows what's going to happen, the dreaded lecture that happens every time he's too rude to either Fruit or Echo, "I think you already know why I'm in here yes?" Kyi thought about his reply, not wanting to make her more angry than she probably already is, he is slow to reply "Okay look, I know what I said was wrong and I genuinely didn't mean for it to come out that way, sure I may not have seemed it at the time but I am upset that Danny can't come with us to the ball, we are a team, even if we don't get along, but I was putting my own feelings before thinking and I'm sorry for that" he finishes while looking at the ground "I'm not the person who you should be apologizing too Kyi" there it was, the famous mother line that every child hated, but this time Kyi actually ran passed Echo to apologize immediately, he really did feel bad about what he did "Fruiiittt" Kyi yelled before sitting next to him "Heyyyyy mate, what's u-" he got cut off due to Kyi hugging him tighter than Fruit thought was previously impossible "I'm really sorry for what I said earlier!" Kyi stated, hugging him even tighter "Hey hey it's okay alright, let go I can't breath" Fruit laughed as he was let go from the partial chokehold that Kyi had previously put him in "Sorry sorry, I didn't know how tight I was hugging you" "more like choking" Echo said standing behind them, smiling as she stared at her friends 'more like family' she thought as she sat down next to the pair. The rest of the day was spent watching the Polar Express and Home Alone, Fruit not noticing the buzz coming from his phone, alerting him of a new email.

Hey guys so the first thing I wanna say is that I'm sorry that this may be a bit short, I had a completely different route I was going and then I closed google instead of Minecraft and I then came up with a different type of approach to still have the same story. What I was originally writing will probably come back later on in a flash back chapter but thats a fat maybe. Sorry I have been off of Wattpad for oh so long, I just ended up getting stuck with school and then once I started homeschool I quickly started doing YouTube again almost a year after I started homeschooling, so yeah I've been kinda busy, however I currently have something wrong with my throat so I thought I would start a new book about me and my friends. Talking about friends, go check them out over on twitch at and thank you guys for reading this and I will see you in the next chapter Bu-Bye.

p.s each chapter will be over 1000 words now Bu-Bye!

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