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  Unfortunately for me, i'm well know by people in the darker parts of this town, especially around where i go to work. Since i have school before and after my work shift during lunch, i cut through the ally ways so that i don't have to run every time. 

  Just as i turned on a corner into the open streets and two shops before H's Service, however...

  I was pulled by my collar backwards and thrown against a brick pillar at which i made no sound as part of my body cracked under the stony pressure before crashing into the ice-cold cement. 

  "Well, if it isn't the brick girl herself." a low young man's voice spoke as a lean muscular figure stood over me. 

  I looked up and held back the urge to pounce at the one and only mighty-grin-face Hono Fukashi, the gentle giant and mentor around the streets. He may be only in his early 20's, but his skill gathering valuable intel and gossip is the deadliest job on these city streets you could ever get.

"What was that for?!" i cried as groaned at the massive bruising he caused me. I put myself into a sitting position, my head resting on the wall and my legs stretched out in exhaustion. 

He gave a playful smirk, giving me his hand, "that was a test. You reaction was not even close. What's on your mind?" 

Throwing him an irritated look i grabbed his hand and was slowly pulled up on my feet. I hissed as i put pressure on my side over my hip. Now i have more sores to deal with...Thanks a lot Hono. 

"If you're implying to my school life..." i began.

"You know what i'm asking out of you. Come on, spill it." he urged me.

"Look Hono, I've got work. You're busy enough yourself these days," i tried. 

His curious expression shifted to a stern but concerned look as if he knew. He did. Hono always knows. Ever since he saved me after i ran away from home during a depressing part of my life, he never gave up on me. In other words, he's the closest to an elder brother, or uncle anyone could ever ask for. "Spill..."

  I stayed silent. Everything i wanted to say was locked at the bottom of my throat.

Firm, gentle hands rested on my shoulders causing me to freeze. "Hey."

  Snapping out of my panicked state i raised my head till my eyes met his. They were full of understanding.

"It's okay if you haven't gotten that far yet, don't worry about it, alright?" Hono ruffling my hair meant the conversation was over. To me at least.

  I pulled his hands away and walked out of the ally, waving, "See you later, Hono!"

  I left him dumbfounded at my reaction. Spreading his arms out he called loudly back, "We weren't even finished, Iza'...!"

As i raced in i noticed a customer had no employee behind the desk. 'Shoot!'

  Halfway to the cashier register i grabbed a work apron and finished tying it behind my back by the time i stood in front of the customer. 

  "Your late, Yumi!" said the second in charge owner, who was a lady in her 40's, from the storage room. 

  "Well, I'm here now." i replied in a normal time. I faced the visitor. 

  A man all skin and bones with sunken eyes stared back at me. He wore a over sized t-shirt and baggy pants. His hair was a wild yellow color that shone in the light like his eyes that had pure seriousness in them. 

  i respectfully bowed in apology, "I deeply apologize for our short staff today. I appreciate your patience sir. I hope you didn't have to wait long." I immediately started to scan the items. 

  "Hmm," i herd, "N-No, its alright." his tone was gloomy and tired. There was slight surprise in there too. I'm guessing not many young girls like me aren't scared to death of his ghost look...I don't think it was that though. 

  I partially paused to look at him,  "First time in Hero's Service?"

  He had to do a double take, "W-Wait, that's what it stands for?"

  With a small smile of pride for getting his spirits up i nodded, "Very few regular people come here. 80% of our customers are heroes or retired heroes. I'm the owner of it now. May I ask who recommended it to you?" 

After giving him the last grocery bag, he responded with, "A detective."

A detective? The only police detective i know about is...him. I could not help it but to put a hand over my mouth to keep a quiet chuckle out. 

  The man sighted, "Yeah, its terrible."

"No," i gave a last short laugh, "Its just the fact THE head of the detective police would do such a thing to anyone. Except for me, I think." 

"-This must be the cadet the detective told me about. She's a bit mature for her age. he wasn't kidding about her overall perspective. It's...strange..-" thought the man. 

  "That will be five dollars and twenty six cents." i handed back his card a second after i swiped it for him. "Since it's your first time here, everything is cut half price to the square root of what the original price was. After that, it's membership from here on."

"W-Wow, thank you..." 

"Miss Izaka Midoria at your service. And may i ask yours?" 

"Yaigi is fine miss Midoryia."

I smirked, "As long as you don't call me Yumi-Zaka. Good day to you sir!"

  He smiled and waved as he left.

I sighted, keeping my eyes on him as a though came to mind. 'I wonder what kind of--?"

A high pitched echoed down the street. Then a sludge villain passed. Of course, the usual occurrences. I saw Mr. Yaigi in the crowd of people watching the scene pass by in front of my store until...

  There was no Mr. Yaigi. In his place stood the #1 hero. 

It a clicked like a switch. 'What...?!!!!!!!!'

My Hero Academia: Unworthy Wielder(FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now