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Izuku Midoriya was a shy, timid, quirkless, green-haired boy to others. He has a dream to become a hero which was merely laughed at by his...peers if you can even call them that; because they think that someone like him would never be fit to become a hero. They see him as pathetic because how could someone who couldn't even defend himself against something as simple as a smack to the face, become a hero?

Well, let me tell you a lil' somethin' about Izuku Midoriya. He wasn't actually weak, he wasn't timid or shy, granted he was still quirkless, but that doesn't mean he'll let people treat him like shit.

Ever since he was at the age of 9 years old, his mother had signed him up to a martial arts class that she had found. She knew that kids was bullying her boy and that she had to teach Izuku how to defend himself. Her childhood friend Mitsuki Bakugou raised an eyebrow at this as she thought that Izuku was a bit too young for this. Inko explained that this was dojo who actually took discrimination seriously and that they'll accept anybody, even the quirkless. The problem was that their classes were running out of slots and that she had to sign Izuku up now because she knew full well that others places won't take them. It was now or never and Izuku just barely managed fill in the very last spot.

Over the course of the next three years, Izuku was the top of their class and at home he trained and trained to his heart's content and even giving him a massive boost in confidence in the process.

Now, he's kept his training and confidence a secret from others (besides his mom) and let's people put him down because it's what keeps him going. Instead of letting those awful insults and abuse get to him, he uses them and turns them into his drive to prove them wrong.

Izuku can accept the other people around him to make fun of him or discriminate against him but for the teacher to be doing the same thing? that, in Izuku's mind, was UNACCEPTABLE. You're a grown adult and a teacher for fuck-sakes! you should be defending Izuku, not join them!


It was on this particular day that Izuku had finally decided to reveal his true self, he just needed to find out when. Thankfully, his teacher was being too much of an smug asshole in homeroom so that would be a good time.

"Alright class, time to do a careers test. It is to determine your future" his teacher announced in his usually bored and monotone voice as the class groaned in annoyance.

The teacher suddenly donned a grin "But who am I kidding, I know all of you want to sign up for the hero course!" he yelled as if he's celebrating something as he threw all his papers in the air and the entire class started to be chaotic and show off their quirks.

"Oi, teach. Don't lump me in with the rest of these extras!" A brash but smug voice started to overlap the rest of the class. The voice that belonged to Bakugo Katsuki.

'Oh great, the asshole's gonna boast about himself again' Izuku thought in annoyance while looking down on his desk.

"Just watch me ya losers! I'm gonna be the number 1 hero and I'm going to be even better than All Might" the asshole declared. That was nothing new, Izuku had heard that phrase coming from Bakugo ever since he can remember.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. You're signing up for U.A right, Bakugo?" the teacher remembered to which Bakugo only grinned in reply and the class was in shock.


"The prestigious high school that has a 0.2% acceptance rate?!"

"That's awesome!"

"As expected of Bakugo"

The class continued to suck Katsuki's dic-I mean praise Bakugo. yeah, praise Bakugo.

Middle School Midoriya Snaps at his scrawny-ass teacher (ONE-SHOT MHA fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now