Chapter 13: Bloody Noses

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I can't remember how I got here and I don't know where I am. I see this warehouse in the distance. All of a sudden I hear screaming coming from the warehouse. Andrew and Chris's scream to be specific. I sprinted to the broken down warehouse and when I got to the door I pressed my ear against the door and I hear Andrew say "We didn't do anything! Please, just let us go!"

A husky voice says "We would love to do that, but you see you mean a lot to the people I hate, so sadly you are stuck here."

A peek into a window and I see Chris and Andrew tied to chairs, back to back. Chris is just looking between Andrew and this unknown guy with a confused face.

When I was about to open the door to try save Andrew and Chris, a door on the other side of the warehouse slammed open. Mikey, Jacob, Tyler, Mason, Julie, Anthony, and Rosemary came rushing through the door and Tyler yelled "You touch them at all and you're dead!"

Julie and Rosemary came to untie Chris and Andrew, but two muscular guys that were hidden in the shadows all of a sudden came out and pointed their guns at Julie and Rosemary. Julie and Rosemary backed up and went back over to where the guys were. Mikey smirked evilly at the two guys and Mikey, Tyler, Anthony, Mason, and Jacob pulled out a gun and pointed them at the guys. Mason spoke up and said "If you keep pointing that gun at our girls, you're going to have 5 bullets in your head."

The unknown guy started randomly laughing and he waved his hands at the other two guys and they put their guns in their jeans waistband. The unknown guy said "You know what I want."

Mikey spoke up and said "Reece, you aren't getting her."

He chuckled and said "That's too bad. I guess I'll have to take something else is you won't give me Daniela."

He sneered and said "Over my dead body would you get my princess."

Reece laughed and pulled out a gun and pointed it at Mikey's head and said "That could be arranged."

At that moment I burst through the doors and screamed "Stop!"

No one did anything; they didn't hear me at all. Reece was about to pull the trigger and I threw myself in front of the bullet, but it passed right through me and hit Mikey's chest. He fell to the ground and everyone screamed and cried out in fear. I sat down next to Mikey's weak body and he looked at me and said "Princess, I love yo-"

His eyes shut and his head tilted back and I started to sob over his dead body.

I woke up from the dream with my hair matted to my face from sweat and my face had dried up tears all over it. When I screamed, Mikey shot up from the bed and wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back with one hand and kissed the top of my head. I relaxed into him. He's been sleeping at my house because I keep getting the same nightmare for over a week. When I finally calmed down, my dad came into the room with a bat in his hand and yelled "What the fuck happened!"

I didn't bother answering I was too busy trying to control my breathing, Mikey answered my dad "Don't worry, sir. Go back to sleep, I'll handle it. It was another nightmare."

My dad sighed and went to my side of the bed and kissed my cheek and whispered "Do you want me to stay?"

I nodded. He smiled at me and back at Mikey. He got a chair and put it next to my bed and grabbed a pillow and blanket to sleep with, ever since I was little I always had to have my dad next to me after a nightmare. Mikey smiled down at me and he lay down and I turned on my side so that I was facing my dad. Mikey turned to me and draped his arm over my waist and snuggled closer to me. I leaned back and we got comfortable. My dad was sleeping in the chair next to me with one hand holding mine.

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