Part 1: Reluctant Heroes

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Awoken from identifiable footstep, the lady sat straight grabbing any available tool to arm herself. The sudden movement caused a cracking sound from her back and she even doubted if her spines are still attached with each other. Looking at the man wearing his usual straight face, she dropped the vase filled with purple flowers and sighed deeply. "How many days have I been out?", she enjoyed the view of the flower and placed the vase back. "Almost a month", Levi averted his stares as soon as he saw two titans running after each other in his peripheral vision. "Can someone tell me why two titans are running around Trost?", the lady recognized the buildings but was bewildered by the presence of their enemy. "Don't tell me that wall-", she was interrupted by her own cough.

 "Stay put. There's a lot that happened ever since. I know they kept your uniform and your gear here. I'll be borrowing it for just a while. The wall was not breached", Levi bent and opened the nearby cabinet. "I have a lot of question but you borrowing someone else's clothes take the cake", the lady climbed down the bed. "Mike and Nanaba are cold. I thought they're the very first person I will see in this room", the long wavy black haired woman with amber eyes nearly turning as crimson red whined. "Go look for a safer place to stay. You can at least manage that", Levi ignored her statement. The lady, having almost the same height as Levi, looked at the man in the eyes. "There's nowhere safe. I haven't washed my uniform yet", she teased. Levi clicked his tongue knowing that she was lying just to tick him off. 

 Trost District 

 The entire street was filled with stains of blood. Annie and Eren had been running and fighting in their titan form as if there were no casualties around them. The military police insisted on taking Erwin to trial because of the reckless expedition he spearheaded. Annie's hand came flying on the bridge making the other military police run for their lives. The Commander stood firmly with his eyes focused on the scenario in front of him. "Commander. The moment I opened my eyes, so many things changed already. It was as if the world was not considerate enough to wait until I regained my consciousness", the lady tried to touch the disintegrating hands from the female titan but backed off as soon as she felt the hot steam. "How come Levi has a maneuvering gear and uniform, Nymeria?", Erwin already knew the answer but was hopeful that the injured man would just stay put this time. "I don't want to spend an insane amount of time listening to Squad Leader Hange so spare me some details, Commander", Nymeria clasped her hands together and gave a smile at Erwin hoping it would capture the man's heart. "You've slept for a month. Be ready to cover up all of those", Erwin walked away. "You are all so mean to me", Nymeria pouted and leaned on the stone wall watching the rest of the scouts trying to remove Annie from the crystal. "Oh, so humans can turn into titans", she concluded after observing. Erwin called a meeting with the new recruits having them question the presence of a stranger.

Survey Corps Headquarters

"This is the Squad Leader of the third squad where you should be under but she managed to get slammed by a titan before you graduate from being a trainee", Hange introduced. "Squad Leader? But she seem to be just around our age", Eren commented. "She's a year older than most of you. Now going back to what Armin was saying", Hange fixed her eyes on Erwin who is quietly sitting. He started explaining about the forged papers that Annie Leonhart have. Together with her are some of the members of the newly recruited scouts which made the rest widen their eyes except Armin. "I will be dealing with the priest", Hange turned and saw Nymeria raising her hand. "Levi must be done washing your uniform. Your bones are not properly aligned and you don't have the choice. The moment you open your eyes, you should've guess what's the next thing to do", Hange ordered. "I agree. You're all just mean to me",  Nymeria pouted. "If you don't like it. You should have just stayed asleep", Hange pushed the girl towards the door. She gave a last glance on the faces of the new recruits and shrugged her shoulders seeing their disappointed faces after learning a possibility of the traitors' identity. 

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