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     Eli, a small boy of merely six, was wandering the woods alone. He had light sandy blonde hair and very pale grey eyes, like pools of liquid silver. Many said he was albino with his light skin, hair, and eyes. Others said he wasn't meant for this world. Eli had always known he was different with his pointy ears and his supernaturally beautiful face. He was tall, lean, and slender; much more than others his age; with lanky legs and long arms. Others his age couldn't compare, he had always been smarter, playing chess with his grandfather regularly and reading college-level textbooks about ancient civilizations. Eli craved knowledge, he wanted to know everything there was to know about anything he could get his hands on. He could carry on a conversation with an adult four times his age about something a small boy should know nothing about. Eli was good at anything you threw his way, he was graceful, you couldn't help but stop to watch whenever he was doing anything. Dancing, hockey, any sport, he did them all. He did everything so effortlessly, gracefully. He truly was a beautiful child. Everyone knew he would grow up to be sought after, he wouldn't have to climb his way up the ladder of life, because everyone would drop to his feet and carry him up. 
      He wasn't only a beautiful child, he was respectful, he had manners, he knew how to be a part of society, a part of society that everyone would love. Eli loved to wander the woods, he felt he had a special connection with it. He was never afraid of getting lost or mauled, or anything. He loved nature, and so it seemed, it loved him too. As he was wandering through the woods, he came upon a door. It was on a little piece of land with a small river rushing around it. He was curious because there was no building, just a door. He slowly waded through the knee-deep water to examine the door. Once he got onto the little island he walked around the door examining it. It was a beautifully made door. It had a red hue to it, and it was beautifully engraved with some ancient language. He looked at it curiously, running his hand along the golden knob. Something about the door called out to him. That's when he noticed the soft, faint glow coming from beneath the door. He knelt, examining it a bit closer. He ran his fingers lightly across the wooden surface, not a single speck of dirt or dust. Eli decided then he would enter the door, not today, but he would. He stood up and looked at the door, then slowly paced a circle around it. There was something deep within that told him he was meant to go through that door. He knew there was something on the other side waiting for him.
     After Eli wandered back home, thinking about the door, the feelings that came from it, what he should do. Eli sat at his desk for a long time, drawing out the door. Memorizing the image in his head. He would go back and find out where that door would take him.

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