No More Sun

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Quote of the day•~
"Not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do is the secret to happiness." — J.M. Barrie
+ : time skip
——- : cut off to authors note or story
• : flashback / end of flashback
I'll add more if I come up with more!<3
After lunch it was time to finish the rest of their day, leaving about 3 classes left.
He sure hoped that time would fly by.
It was finally the end of the day, and everyone was dismissed to their lockers to get their things and head out.
After doing just that he was ready to go, but then looking out the window he saw the pouring rain.
  Bennett walked out of school discouraged. Multiple people walked by whispering and accused Bennett for the rainy afternoon.
Bennett took his bag off of his back and searched for an umbrella, but of course, he forgot it once again. Just his luck. So he took out his hoodie instead and hoped for the best, although there's not much to hope for. Since it's pouring. Really bad.
  And so he made his way to bus stop absolutely drenched. At this point there was no point in wearing his hoodie anymore. But he kept it on anyway.
Bennett finally makes it to the bus stop completely embarrassed of himself. He bet he looked insane. Everyone there had an umbrella as he stood there with nothing but a drenched hoodie.
  Suddenly, there was no more rain hitting his already wet ass hoodie.
  He looked to the side of him, and saw Razor. The Razor. Razor he tried to be friends with. Also the Razor he fell in love with at first glance. That razor. "He looks even prettier up close..." Bennett mumbled under his breathe, which has Razor looking at him with a cocked eyebrow.
  "O-Oh!!! Sorry..hehe. Thanks....for sharing the umbrella." Bennett grinned which urned a small smile from Razor.
  "Razor is sorry...if embarrassed Bennett. Razor does not have much friends...." He said with a quick sigh.
"Oh..Well we can be friends if you want!" Bennett's smile grew wider which made Razor's heart pump faster. He has never seen such a genuine smile before. How new.
"Uh...sure." Razor says, almost unsure. "Hey, no need to be scared! I'm a very loyal kid y'know? I won't betray you or anything like those fakes(not directed towards anyone). If you've had a bad experience with friends we could always talk about it!" Bennett took down his hood since he obviously didn't need it anymore, and cleared his throat. " you want my number?" Bennett asked with so much hope in that voice of his(it was extremely noticeable). So of course Razor noticed, and nodded his head yes. Bennett's face lit up within the blink of an eye. It was never seen before. It's like he could've turned this thundering afternoon into a sunny day again.
Bennett held out his hand and waited for Razor's phone. "Uhh...what?" Razor looked at Bennett confused. "Your phone! So I can put in my number, remember?" Razor nodded in understanding, and handed him his phone. Their hands brushed against each other and all Razor felt was roughness. Texture? It was like his hands were all banged up. He had some bandaids, and even a bandage on one hand as well, which surprisingly Razor never noticed.
Instead of letting go of Bennett's hands, he held them, felt them, even looked closely at them. And Bennett? He felt as if he was about to explode.
"Is...Bennett ok?" Razor looked at Bennett again with noticeable worry. "Yeah! No need to worry. I'm all good. I swear!" Razor wasn't convinced, but let it go anyway.
Bennett finally put his number in Razor's phone, and that was that.
Hey everone! I'm sorry for the late update, I'm been pretty busy and my mental health wasn't great. So i hope this chapter was pretty good:)
Btw I did edit the sneak peak part a bit. All I did was take out the pouring rain lol
But anyway, that's it I think. I'll update if I have more to say :) bye!

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