Chapter 2

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Krystal P.O.V

"Wake up Krisi! Woah, it's so weird calling you that," Emily nudges me. I wake up and head to the bathroom to shower and get ready. I throw on some black leggings and a green crop top with my white converse. I do some neutral makeup and make my way downstairs for breakfast. Almost everyone is already gathered around the table and there's pancakes, eggs, and bacon laid out for us. I take a seat next to Emily and Katie.

"Are you guys excited?" Percy asks us. We all nod in agreement.

"It's going to be... fun," Emily says. We finish eating and it's time for us to head to King's Cross. Everybody puts their trunks in the back of the Ford Anglia and we all squeeze in. In about 5 minutes, we are up in the air and headed to the station. We get there in about 10 minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley help us all load everything onto our trollies and we all head inside without Mr. Weasley, who stayed to watch the car. Em, Morgan, Katie, and I follow the Weasleys over to the platform and she tells Fred to go first.

"He's not Fred, I am!" George exclaims, jokingly.

"Honestly woman, and you call yourself our mother," Fred tells her. I roll my eyes at their prank.

"Right, sorry dear. Go on George," Mrs. Weasley says. Fred is about to run at the platform when he looks over at his mother.

"I'm only joking. I am Fred," and with that he takes off and disappears. Mrs. Weasley rolls her eyes while gesturing for George to go, followed by Percy.

"Krystal, your turn dear," she tells me, just as I catch a glimpse of Harry walking this way. I discreetly nod my head towards his direction for Emily to look, and with that I take off running towards Platform 9 3/4. I stop after passing through the magic barrier and stand there in awe. I never thought I'd ever get to see this in person, let alone the real thing. Next thing I know my friends are standing next to me with the same look on their faces. Mrs. Weasley and Ginny come through and Mrs. Weasley motions for us to start getting on the train so that we can find a place to sit all together. I notice Ron heading on without us, so Charlotte, Aurora, Elena, and I all head on to find him. As we walk, I catch a glimpse of him closing a compartment door. I take the lead and walk towards it, my heart beating out of my chest. Just knowing that I'm about to meet Harry and then Hermione has my anxiety through the roof. I open the compartment door and my friends follow me inside.

"Hey Ron, care to, oh I don't know, wait for us?" I yell at him, jokingly. Aurora nudges my side for messing with her man like that and I shoot her a look. Like come on, how can you not fuck with Ronald Weasley. He just shrugs at me so I nudge his shoulder jokingly. We all take a seat and Elena, of course, sits next to Harry.

"Hi, I'm Ron. Ron Weasley," Ron introduces himself awkwardly.

"I'm Krystal. And this is Elena, Aurora, and Charlotte," I introduce the rest of us. I catch Elena's eye and can tell she's trying very hard to keep her shit together.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter," Harry replies. Ron gasps very over dramatically. I roll my eyes at him.

"So, do you.." Ron looks around, "you know, have the... the scar?" Ron kind of whispers. What. An. Idiot. Harry politely moves his hair out of the way to show us. "Woah!" Ron says in awe. Elena looks like she doesn't even know how to speak. I stare out the window as everyone keeps talking and getting to know each other. I occasionally throw something in, but I've got too much on my mind to keep a conversation going right now. I can't believe that I'm actually Snape's daughter. The thought of that still blows my mind. And what happens if I'm not placed in Slytherin. I've taken so many online tests and each time my answer is that I would be sorted into Slytherin, however, this is the real thing. And if I'm not sorted into Slytherin, will my dad accept me? Will Draco? All of a sudden, I hear the compartment door behind me open. I look over, knowing I'm about to meet Hermione.

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