Epsiode 21:

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POV: Aaron Thomas

I was the worst boyfriend ever. I didn't defend him, when my friend was bullying my boyfriend. The moment I woke up from my shock and state of confusion I was in action. Still, it was to late. Trevor already left and that dreamy smile had not been on his face. I had blown up on Jared and we had argued. I was mad that he would talk to a friend of mine like that, sure he didn't know he was my boyfriend. Still, even if Trevor was just a friend he shouldn't have spoken to him like that. He shouldn't speak to anyone like that.

We had argued and it had ended up with me telling him that I was in love with Trevor and that he was my boyfriend. He was just as much as jerk towards me as he was to Trevor. My friend, Jared, had called me a fag and cocksucker. And told me that he would ruin me and that no one would ever be my friend now. He was proven wrong. My real friends stood up for me. The conclusion: we were no longer associated with Jared and he now had a black eye, from Jackson.

We filled Emma in later and she had my back all the way. I know that everything will change from now on. Jared will tell everyone and try to ruin my life. I don't care. I just want Trevor to forgive me. That's why I'm standing outside his front door, waiting for someone to open.

After a moment a little girl answers. "Who are you?" She asks, squinting her eyes at me.

"Hi! Ehm, I'm Aaron" I say, while smiling at her.

"Oh! You are Aaron" she says smiling.

"You know me?" I ask confused.

"Yup, you are Trevor's new friend. He talks about you all the time!" She exclaims. I can't help smiling. He talked about me. "It's good you are here! Someone made my brother sad, so since you are his friend you can make him smile again!" She seemed hopeful, while I only got sad. After all it was my fault that he was sad.

"Actually, it's my fault. But I'm hoping I can fix it today" I say with a hopeful smile.

She tilted her head "so, it's your fault?" I nodded. She widens her eyes, before slamming the door shut in my face. So now I'm looking at a closed door.

I sigh, before knocking on the door again. A moment later I hear someone talk and then the door opens. This time it's a women and I can tell it's Trevor's mother. They have the same smile.

"Hi. Can I help you?" She asks friendly.

"Hello, my name is Aaron. I'm a friend of your son" I explain. I don't want to tell her he's my boyfriend, since that has to be Trevor's choice.

"Oh! Nice to finally meet you" she gives me a familiar smile. "I have heard so much about you".

"Nice to meet you too" I smile, trying to give a good first impression.

"Are you here to see Trevor?" She asks.

"Yeah, I have to talk to him" she gives me a knowing smile and opens the door wider. "I hope you can talk some sense into him. He has been locked into his room since he got back home" she explains.

"Yeah, I hope so too" I say.

"Well, come in then" she steps aside and I enter. This is the first time I'm here. We are always together either at the theater or at my place. It's a nice place, it has as homey feeling. Much more welcome than my home.

"He's in his room. Upstairs to the left" she points towards the stairs.

"Thanks" I say before walking towards my boyfriends room. I stop in front of his door and knock. 

"Not now mom" I hear him say, he sound sad. I knock again. I hear some steps getting closer and then the door opens. He looks surprised to see me. 

"What are you doing here?" He asks, while scratching his arms. 

"Can we talk?" I ask. He thinks for a moment, considering if he should hear me out. He finally nods and decide to let me in. 

"Thanks" I say, while stepping into his room. His room is nice. The walls are light blue and of course the walls are decorated with a lot of different movie posters. I smile when I see a poster of The Shawshank Redemption. It's crazy to think that it's so long ago that we were just starting to admit we were into each other. Everything seemed simpler back then. But things had to change and I am done hiding. It's not fair to Trevor and to be honest it's not fair to me either. 

"So, what do you want to talk about?" he's closed off. It's clear that he's still mad and disappointed in me, I can see it in his body language. 

"I owe you an apology. Actually, I owe you much more than just one apology" I begin. "You shouldn't have to hide and you shouldn't have to deal with everyone talking to you like Jared did. I'm so sorry that I didn't stand up for you, but I was shocked and confused. I couldn't understand that a person I considered a friend could ever talk to anyone like that. Even if he didn't know we were together" He looked confused. I continued anyway. "I know he's a jerk, but I didn't know he was that bad" I took a deep breath while looking at my sunshine. "Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me? I love you so much Trevor. I will never! EVER! Let anyone talk to you like that again" I promise. 

"I already forgave you" He says, looking at the floor. "How can you already have forgiven me? I haven't even forgiven me" I say. I would never forgive myself for not standing up for him. 

"Because I'm not your responsibility. Yeah, I was hurt and disappointed that you didn't come to my defence. But you weren't ready to come out, so you were in a situation just as bad as mine" He steps closer, finally looking at me and taking a hold of my hands. "I forgive you. Let's just move on" He asks, while pecking me on the lips.

"I do still not forgive myself. But we have so much to talk about, so maybe it's better to move on" I explain, even tough I still hate myself. 

"What do you mean?" He asks, confused. 

"Jared knows" I say. 

"Knows what?" He asks, but I can see he already knows what I mean. 

"He knows everything" I say "Therefore by monday, so will the whole school and probably town". He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Without saying anything he walks into my arms and I close my arms around him. I hold him tight, while stroking his back in a hopefully supportive manner. God I love this boy! At least now I will be able to hold him like this in public, I think while kissing the top of his head. His hair smells like watermelons. 


11/3- 2022

Episode 21: Already forgiven

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