Chapter 1

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A/N I love listening to this song whenever doing anything related to Marvel, you don't have to listen to it while reading, but I suggest you listen to it sometime while reading this book.

Hi! My names Harper, Harper Darla Crosby. I am 15 years old, my favorite colors are green and purple, I love the "Little House" series, have one brother, and my world is crazy. My big brother's name is Luke, Luke Alexander Crosby. He is 17 years old, I don't know his favorite color or colors, he loves World War 2 books, and is obsessed with war strategy. You could be sucked into an hour-long conversation about war strategy without even trying, believe me I've done it! So, you may be wondering, "Do I live in the Marvel universe, or the real world?" well....... To answer your question, both! I know you may think that is impossible, but trust me, it's not. The year is 2022, and all the Marvel movies that have come out up to now are apparently real, I think. You see, about two years ago, Luke and I were finally adopted by John and Samantha Harris. Luke and I were adjusting to our new, New York City home/apartment and our new parents were out getting groceries. Luke and I were reading in the living room when the apartment wall was blown off! We jumped of the couch to see what had happened, what we saw, we thought was impossible. Okay it was 2020 and we were still not used to impossible stuff being possible just yet. Anyway, we saw the tallest building in the city, STARK tower (we thought it was just a fluke thing at the time, that the tower had STARK written out it) had a dark blue circle over it, with weird stuff coming out of it. We ran out of the apartment into the streets (big mistake) to see if the "battle of New York" was actually happening, it was. "Luke, we need to find Mom and Dad!" I shouted. We ran all over the block trying to find their bus. They didn't own a car and they left a little while ago, that is why we were searching our block and for a bus. We found a bus crash five minutes later, with our new parents laying in a pool of their own blood. "Harper, we need to get back to the apartment!" Luke said. We started back to the apartment, tears trying to fall. Luke and I both agreed a long time ago, crying for a dead loved one doesn't do anyone good. We were half-way back when two Chitauri (aliens) jumped at us from out of nowhere! I am glad Luke taught me how to fight, cause the Chitauri are really good! I was able to get the one I was fighting off me by kicking it in the gut (my signature move). It was about to shoot me with its weapon, when a large red, white, and blue frisbee flew at it, lodging itself in the alien's side. Then a tall muscular man dressed as Captain America from the first Avengers movie came over and grabbed the shield out of the Chitauri's side and attached it to his arm. "Are you okay kid?" He asked as he turned to face me. Oh. My. Gosh. This guy is either Chris Evans or Captain America! "Who are you?" I asked as a woman with fiery red hair wearing a black catsuit took out the alien that was attacking Luke. "I'm Captain America!" The man who I now know is Captain America said, panting in-between each word. "Where are your parents kid?" Captain America asked. I couldn't tell him; I couldn't tell Captain America that my new parents just died. I turned to Luke and gave him the 'can we leave now' and 'help me' look, he grabbed my hand and we booked it all the way back to the apartment.  

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