Chapter 8

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I was getting up when they came in. "Hey Princess! Looks like we are your new best friends today!" Pietro said with a stupid smirk. Now I know why he is considered so annoying in the fan fiction books I read! "Sorry about him, he is always like this. I am Wanda by the way, and he is Pietro." Wanda said. I get of the bed and say, "Well since you two are my babysitters, I am going to be doing school in my room." I said that as bluntly as I could, being annoyed triggers my bluntness, people don't usually like it, but the twins don't really seem to mind. Once I made it to the door, I was picked up bridal style and what felt like being thrown onto my bed. "There, your father says you shouldn't be walking a lot, due to your injuries." Pietro said, his smirk still plastered to his face. I gave him my best 'death glare' and began my school for the day. Bible study, math (Algebra), rhetoric (English), biology, and history, in that order. After I finished, I grabbed "Little house in the big woods" and proceeded to read it for the rest of the day. "What book is so interesting you read it all day?" Pietro asked, clearly annoyed I haven't spoken to them since I needed help with my math hours earlier. "The book that gets you through twelve years of living in an orphanage." I said not looking up from my book, I was on the Christmas party and its my favorite part. "I am so sorry Harper!" Wanda said. I knew where this is going, so before she could continue, I told her, "Please don't, I barley remember my parents anyway, and I would like to keep it that way." I said. I know I sound like a terrible person for saying that, but I don't want to cry and feel weak, thinking about my parents. The next few weeks I got to know the twins; I am still a bit awkward with them (Pietro more than Wanda) but at least Pietro isn't calling me "Princess" anymore! I introduced them to "Stranger Things" and they seemed to like it! We were halfway through the third episode (if you don't watch "Stranger Things" let me tell you, the episodes are about forty minutes each!) when Mom called me over to the island in the kitchen area. "Yeah Mom?" I asked, walking over. Even though I have been living with them for month and two weeks now I still feel weird calling her Mom and Bucky Dad. "Tomorrow we are going on a mission, will you be okay here for a few days?" Mom asked. I know there is a catch to this, why else would she be acting like I am a four-year-old? "I feel like there is a catch to this." I said. "Please don't lash out about this, but Loki will be staying with you while the rest of us are gone." Mom said. WHAT?!?! How can she leave Loki, the person who attacked New York, here with me?! "I will most likely not kill him while you are gone." I said. Mom smirked at that. The next day I said goodbye and good luck to everyone, then went to the lounge. "Okay Loki, you leave me alone, I leave you alone, and nobody gets hurt." I said to Loki, who was sitting at the island reading a book before going to the couch to resume "Stranger Things". About half-way through my second episode, a pillow hit the back of my head. "Loki, what did I say?" I asked without taking my eyes off the screen. No reply, but there was another pillow that hit my head. I paused the episode and turned around to yell at Loki, but right as I turned around, a pillow hit my face. "Fine, but don't say you didn't ask for this!" I said before using my powers to pick up the pillows and myself(It looked like the one scene from Avengers: Endgame when Wanda was attacking Thanos, but with more pillows than powers). I then threw the pillows at Loki, who quickly retaliated. "This is WAR!" I yelled while making a body shield (they are heavier than they look!) to block the new pillows that are raining on top of me. So for next three days, we had the ultimate pillow war, only trucing for sleep, food, and school. I am slowly forgiving Loki for what he did in New York, that caused that bus crash. "Harper, we are home!" Dad yelled from the foyer. "Hi, welcome home!" I said. "Harper, why are you covered in feathers?" Mom asked. Yes, I am covered in feathers, apparently Loki doesn't know what "stuffing" is, so whenever he threw a pillow at me, and that pillow tore, feathers would fly everywhere, but they would mainly land on me. "It's Loki's fault, he started it!" I said as we made our way to the lounge, where the warzone was. Loki and I made fortresses out of the furniture and used our powers to make the pillows. Once everyone was there, they all were failing to hold back their laughter. What they were laughing at, was a hog-tied Loki squirming around the floor, trying to get out. "Get me out of this, I have unfinished business with the lady of harps!" Loki yelled. As Thor walked over to untie him, I made everything go back to the way it was before the pillow war began. It took all of two seconds. "I have to know how that started, and how no one died!" Mr. Stark exclaimed; it figures. He likes the childish behavior. We spent the rest of the day talking about the past few days, their fight and mine. "So, Harper, we never did learn how you got your powers." Dad said around eight-thirty. I looked at my hands, it seems like everything reminds me of Luke now, even my powers. I felt all eyes on me after a minute, they are way to curious for their own good, it's going to get them hurt or even killed one day. "They just showed up one day, nothing special." I said, not looking away from my fidgeting hands. "What are your powers anyway?" Mr. Wilson asked. Why do people have to persist in other's personal lives? "A mix of theirs plus invisibility and are purple and grey." I said, pointing at Wanda and Loki. Now everything became about me, they asked if my brother had powers too and how long I have had my powers. I am just happy they didn't want to determine how I got my powers by drawing blood and stuff like that, I don't exactly like needles. They did say I could train with them if I wanted, I think they just want to see my powers in action, do they still not know I am Grey?


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