Calm before the Storm

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Argentina, At Moffets Compound
the prisoners are all asleep. Moffet is asleep is his HQ. A guy knocks on the door and Moffet wakes up.

Moffet: Huh?... Wait what?... Come in.

A soldier stepped into the room. Carrying with him a radar picture read out.

Soldier: Sir.. We have to report that a prisoner has escaped.

Moffet: Okay well—...... SAY THAT AGAIN!!!!

Soldier: She was able to carve a hole in the side fences and get pasted our security. She was—

Moffet just then jumped up to his feet furiously pulled his gun and aimed it at him. He fired a round and the bullet hit the soldier in the knee and he fell to the floor, but quickly got back up. William then grabbed him by the color and shoved him into the wall furiously.

Moffet: How could you let her escape??? She knows to much!!!!!

Guard: She had learned a few techniques...

Moffet: Is that right???? If so then you're as clumsy as you are stupid but how intriguing she was able to escape our defense guards and escape.

Soldier: What are your orders?

Moffet: Have the troops ready to go Once I say tomorrow and be ready for what Attack us. I will be here to finish what my father could not.

Soldier: Understood.

The soldier turned around and walked away. William just sat there thinking as he began to slowly fall asleep. The Camp fire has nearly burned out and the soldier makes his way towards a few tents.


Elsewhere in Argentina at Night next to a durt road not far away from Moffets Compound, Jason, Levoyn and Elena sit next to a campfire talking. Airwolf is parked in the background next to the trees and bushes, undercover.

Levoyn: And then I said Ha ha. yeah YeAh Yeah Yeah Yeah. I got you good Wohoo!!

Jason: Yeah then he chased after you saying you will regret it.

Levoyn: Yeah okay he did do that, But we got caught by the principal and we'll we got a few hours of detention. So yeah that's what happened.

Elena just laughed.

Elena: You did get him good. Congrats.

Jason: Why thank you.

Elena stopped laughing.

Elena: So what's the backstory on you Jason?

Levoyn and Jason's smiles turned to a abrupt and serious look.

Levoyn: Oh No. I think that's a road you do not ever want to go down.

Jason: No No. It's fine I will tell her.

Levoyn: Alright then is that's what you want.

Jason looked and Elena first and then Levoyn then back at Elena.

Jason: You see there were things in my past that even a close friend like Levoyn was related to. I came from the city of ST.Paul's Texas but it wasn't an easy life for me. In my childhood I got abused by my "family" I had two brothers and two sisters, andI was hated by my extended family. On top of that I was bullied in school with no one sticking up for me and with no one helping me.... Once one of my bully's a boy named Blake trapped in a locker until evening when everyone left. My family was no different from what they have heard....... When I was 14 I ran away in February. By that time there was a mafia war I nearly got caught by my younger sister and nearly caught escaping by a few mafia people. But I escaped and never looked back. I've never gone back since nor do I intend to go back anytime soon....

Elena was in Aaaah of his past and started to cry.

Elena: *Threw muffled tears* Oh my god, Thats really sad to hear— I am very SORRY!!!!.

Jason: No No No it's fine you did nothing wrong—. Look at me- look at me- look at me. You did nothing wrong.

Elena looks up at Jason.

Jason: Look you did nothing wrong. Alright it's fine you did nothing wrong.

Elena: O-Okay.

Jason: Good now wipe those tears away.

Elena wipes the tears away.

Jason: There you go...

Elena: Thank you.

Jason: Best we get some sleep now we got a lot to do in the morning.

Levoyn: Right I will go get the sleeping bags.

Jason: K

Elena: Alright.

They all get up and walk away from the fire to get the sleeping bags.

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