Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I had almost made it to the station when I saw a snake with a plus like symbol on its head. It slithered up to me and started to climb up my leg. Once it reached my neck, it wrapped itself around loosely and chilled. The funny thing was that I knew the snake. It was Jeje in his snake form. Now, to wonder when I might get attacked by Mikuni.

When I slid the key, the elevator opened and let me in. It had started to go down when Jeje became human. He quickly got off before hurting my neck. We both waited to be let out of the elevator. As soon as the door opened, Mikuni greeted us.

"Jeje! Why did you run off? Abel and I were worried!" Mikuni said to the snake. I was going to slip out when Jeje decided to point at me. Mikuni then looked at me.

"Hey Mikuni-kun?" I said with a little smile.

"Hey Shai! How've you been? Been a while since I last saw you," Mikuni said with a big grin on his face. He then started walking the door that led to the staff rooms while I followed him.

"Been doing pretty fine," I responded. Jeje looked at me and I thought he bought the act. We made a couple more turns and we were at the staff dorms. I noticed that some of the doors were opened. Mikuni had led me to the dorm that was my room. I went in and put my stuff up. Once done, I went out and found Mikuni talking with Kamiya Tsurugi. They didn't seem to be getting along well.

"Ok boys, calm down," I said to the both of them. They both looked at me in frustration.

"Do I need to let Jeje shoot both of you?" I asked while crossing my arms in frustration. They both laughed and I smiled at Jeje. He gave me a little nod and pointed two individual guns at each of them. That got them to stop laughing. They then decided to chill and broke up. Tsurugi seemed to go back to his room, but Mikuni talked with Sleepy Ash and his eve. I went over to talk with Jeje.

"So they are still like this?" I asked Jeje, but more so to myself. Jeje just gave me a nod. Welp... this is great. Guess I got to deal with them once again. Soon enough, Jeje gave me a follow motion. He lead me to the main room where Hyde and the pianist were. I was liking the music, but Jeje seemed to ignore it.

"Most of us are here," Jeje said quietly, only for me to hear. He wasn't always comfortable with people, humans and siblings alike, hearing his voice. I was the exception since he and I both understood since I hated the way I sounded. I then nodded in understanding. He kind of gave me a little push towards Hyde and the pianist. Hyde noticed me and came over.

"Hey Shai," Hyde said in a sing-songy way. Guess he was pretty happy right now.

"Hey Hyde, who is the pianist?" I asked curiously. I knew it was his eve, but I really didn't know his name.

"This is Licht Jekylland Todoroki. A very famous pianist!" Hyde told me. That explained why I saw his face before. He was all over posters that talked about how amazing he was. When Licht finished, I gave a little clap. Hyde joined in, but Licht gave him a glare.

"Who are you? A demon?" Licht asked. That made me uncomfortable.

"I am Shai and I really don't like being called a demon. I am a SerVamp, but I refuse to be called a demon, Angel boy," I said with a finger pointed at him. The funny thing is that I looked more like an angel than him.

"A demon is a demon, and yes! I am an angel," Licht said while striking a pose.

"You know, I look more angelic than you. White hair, golden eyes, and female. Typical angel," I pointed out to Licht. I saw that Hyde was trying to keep back a laugh. Licht gave a little psh at my comment and walked away from the both of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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