Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #22: Siegfried Vs. Arthas

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...ARTHAS MENETHIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Siegfried Schtauffen, "Innocent Darkside":

Welcome to the stage of history; you haven't what it takes,

For never such an easy victory I'll've had as this flake!

Hearthstone and zone home, or get ready to cry,

'Cause Sieggy won't be needing Roy to battle with the tiger's eye.

Sweet, swift, swingin', slick, swag Schwarzwind swordsman;

Swat a sucker out the ring and halfway to Stormwind!

My raps possess a caliber too hot to Zweihändle;

Your 'craft's like a kobold:

Kobold: You no take candle!

Siegfried: This rhythm is your Requiem; a wipe is impending.

Casting down your dreams and breaking destinies; I'm unrelenting!

My skill set is uncommon; get the best of me? You're joking:

I'll be pushing all your buttons, and I won't stop poking!

Arthas Menethil, Crown Prince of Lordaeron:

This pretty boy thinks he's my Destined Battle? How pathetic!

What are Uncommon skills when mine are highest—tier Epic?

Macro—cheating won't be needed; strategizing in real—time.

Here's your only warning, get it heeded: flee in a beeline,

For the day I was born, the forests whispered my name.

I bring the heat like an Orb of Fire; spitting holy flames!

Full—exalted with the Light, I'll be a scourge to any Scourge;

Cull you off your stage of history like a city getting purged!

Boss, what's he going up against?

Uther the Lightbringer: That's a paladin.

Arthas: Who sees retribution best dispensed?

Uther: That's a paladin!

Arthas: Lets his strike of the crusader fly?

Uther: That's a paladin.

Arthas: Righteous ghoul—exterminator guy?

Uther: That's a paladin!


Don't be pushing me to praise your prissy perks as a paladin;

I cut down a crusader like a German Saladin!

Penetrating any armor: cloth, leather, mail, plate;

I'll go Medivhal on your ass until it's check—and—mate.


Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #22: Siegfried Vs. ArthasWhere stories live. Discover now