Chapter 13 | Nightmares before the end

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Yibo was dragged by the demon warriors to the rocky area, where the ground was covered with thin cracks glowing red. The red lightning bolts that appeared in the sky were stationary, as one disappeared another appeared in the distance. The demon warriors listened with delight to the desperate wails and screams that grew louder as they neared the edge of the cliff.

 The demon warriors listened with delight to the desperate wails and screams that grew louder as they neared the edge of the cliff

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They stopped at the precipice and Yibo was pushed forward. Yibo looked down into the abyss, but there he saw nothing but endless mist.

"What is this place? Where have you brought me?" asked Yibo.

"We have brought you to where souls are torn apart by their own pain. But for angels like you, there's worse to come, ... down there, it's not death that awaits you, it's your worst nightmare." - said the demon warrior, then stepped behind Yibo. - "Pray for a quick death down there." said the demon, and pushed Yibo off the mountain.

After the fall, Yibo landed on a hard, slightly grassy ground. As soon as Yibo woke up, he looked around. He thought at first that he was no longer in Hell, but in his own realm. He was in the forest, lying in front of the cave, where the portal had recently opened.

Yibo rose from the ground, but then he had a feeling that everything he had just seen and thought, was a lie. He felt that he was still very much in Hell, and not at the real cave in the forest. As soon as Yibo realized this, a thick fog suddenly appeared everywhere, and then he heard a devilish laughter echoing through the trees, coming closer and closer to him.

Everywhere Yibo turned, he saw no one. All he heard was evil laughter.

"Who are you?" - cried Yibo. - "Come and show yourself!"

The laughter then stopped, and someone spoke.

"As you wish." whispered a dark voice.

Then a dark shadow emerged from the mist and attacked Yibo without hesitation. Within seconds, and after a few blows, he forced Yibo to the ground, who had no time to defend himself.

"I see you haven't changed, little angel. You've remained as weak as ever." said the shadow, and slowly took shape.

Yibo had a hard time looking up to see his attacker's face. He was expecting a simple demon, but reality shocked him. His attacker, the dark shadow, was none other than Zhan.

His eyes were red, and Yibo knew that Zhan was once again standing before him as a demon. However, Yibo couldn't decide if Zhan was a demon, or if he was just a shadow; an illusion. Yibo didn't have much time to decide, because the demon attacked him again.

The demon picked Yibo up by the throat and pinned him to the trunk of a tree. His grip on Yibo's neck then tightened.

Yibo tried to tear his hand off, but failed. He could not even speak or breathe normally. Yibo just stared at demon Zhan's ruthless, cold face.

"I told you that I would wait for you in the darkness when you fell... And now I'm watching your own light leave you."

"That will never happen." said another figure behind demon Zhan.

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