Chapter one: Finding it

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"Hello mom I'm home, the high school is huge!!," I said. "Hello mom?" There was no answer from her, nothing but a letter on the table. I slowly go over to the table and read it to myself. It read,
Dearest Amanda,
You probably noticed by now I'm not home. I left and will not be returning. I can't really tell you the reasoning behind it. I just wanted to let you know that I will always love you, you will always be my little angel. Your father will come to move in with you, he should be there around 5 o'clock. I love you baby girl hugs and kisses.
That's it? Where is she? Why? If she loved me so much why did she go? These questions boomed around in my head so much that I barely even heard the door bell ring. I looked back at the clock its 3 o'clock. Maybe my father came here early. I rush to the door and open it. It was not my father, but it was my mothers sister. "Hey honey, is your mother home?," she asked me clueless of what just happened. I know the news I have to tell her, but don't want to. I wonder to make up something, or to tell her....tell her everything. then it just came out. "No, she stepped out." I replied with no emotion. "I can wait till she comes back.," still clueless. "She won't be coming back auntie, she's gone.," I handed her the note hopeful that now she will understand so those words will never have to pass my lips again, but I know they will. They have too. All these thoughts wondered through my head again. Where is she? What could of happened? What was bad enough where she had to be put in the situation to leave her only child? She loved me.....right? These thoughts ran though my head so fast I didn't even notice my aunt was now crying. I sat near her and rubbed her back. I wanted so badly to tell her it's all going to be okay. That she will be here again, but I can't, she's gone and there is nothing I can do about it. I actually feel worse for my aunt, Christine than I do myself. Christine knew my mom all her life, but she was my mom the only mom I will ever have. So I just sat there rubbing her back, letting her get it all out. I haven't cried yet, I don't think I can. Not yet. Not till I'm sure I will never see her again. That's it I have to do everything I can to find her. I will find her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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