6_ The One In Which His Pride Is Trampled On

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Slowly, Stavros leaned down till they were at eye level and snarled, "I don't believe you."

Her eyes widened, and she turned her face away. A cloud over her face.

"I don't believe you and I'm going to prove it to you." And before she could utter anything else, Stavros grasped her chin and kissed her with gentle possessiveness and then with ardor, unbridled, unrestrained. Making sure to pour all his feelings into that one kiss. It was a slow and heart-melting kiss.

And when at last he released her, he said, "I dare you to tell me that you do not love me and you only wanted me for sex?"

Belinda was panting for air, but at his statement, she flipped. "Dare?" her eyes sparkled and her chin came up. "As I told you, I feel nothing. Still feel nothing. I only felt lust. And I told you I want to stop this madness."

"I don't believe you," Stavros vented out in disbelief, but he was finally getting it into his thick skull.

That would mean she had sought him out, court his attention, only because she wanted him for sex!

"It isn't my business what you believe and what you don't believe."

Stavros gazed at her without saying a word. It wasn't just the fact that she had broken up with him that hurt. It was the fact that everything he ever believed they shared, everything he ever believed he knew, was a lie. At least for her.

He wasn't sure he could ever get over the feeling of being used for his body. It would have all been easier if she had been upfront like the rest. But no, she had to lie and cheat and make him fall in love. His lips curled in distaste.

She didn't only crush his heart but also his pride too. He rues the day he ever met her.

"You're despicable, do you know that? Just like your sister and the rest of them."

A horrified gasp escaped her lips. "How dare you? You don't get to put my sister in this equation. Who the hell do you think you are? You are the one who is despicable. What had you been hoping to achieve by doing that? Did it make you feel good?"

"For christ's sake, what in God's name are you talking about, Belinda." Stavros was truly exasperated, but he didn't think Belinda saw that.

For she was repeatedly hitting at his chest. Venting the words. "I hate you. I hate you." With passion in quick succession.

Stavros caught hold of her wrist and anchored her to his body. His dark eyes filled with anger. "Then you shouldn't have gotten close to me, and neither should you have wanted anything from me, not even my body," he spat.

She had stopped failing her hands and was looking at him with wide eyes and a look he did not understand. Her chest heaving from her little exercise.

Stavros ignored that.

"If you had done that," he gritted. "Then you wouldn't have been in so much regret." Stavros was so angry he wanted to shake her till her teeth rattled. Now she was quiet, acting all innocent, as though she hadn't said those words to him. God, he was so angry he was filled with the need to hurt her and he wasn't like that.

His hand tightened painfully on her arm. "Look—"

"What on earth is going on here?" The words erupted into the air like a whiplash. Stavros looked up and saw Belinda's mother, Elena Gibson, standing a few feet away from them with a certain look of displeasure written all over her face.

Trapped In The Billionaire's BedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora