chapter 1

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My names Athena Lockhart I am 17 years old almost 18 in the two months. I am currently a senior and my school life has by far been the worse part of my life. Apart from the fact that my parents literally look onto me for their next success since I'm the only child.

I've been trying so hard in school, I wake up early in the morning just to study but there's going to be a breaking point for me. I have not been having it, I haven't been sleeping, haven't been eating much, and eyebags all under my eyes. 

Its currently early in the morning, I get out of bed and head for the bathroom and take a shower and brush my teeth. Exiting out the bathroom i get a text message coming from my phone its from my bestfriend Katherine. She drives me to school even though I have my own can I prefer to have my bestfriends company and I'm not really ok with the whole driving after what had happened when I was 14. 

Trauma still kicks in the thought about being in car and driving. When I was 14 I was riding from the restaurant with my grandparents, I wanted to sleepover at their house so bad because my grandma and grandpa always made cookies with me and we danced in their Livingroom and just enjoyed throughout the night.

My grandpa was driving we were singing in the car as usual in a little car ride. Grandma kept telling my grandpa to look at the road which was pretty funny, they were like a high school couple in a elders body. I say "hey grandma and grandpa can we make cookies tonight." and of course my grandma says yes and I gave them the biggest smile. I love them so much and I don't know what I would do without them.

We drove in silence with the music playing just as the music was playing, my grandpa looked a little off. I looked into his eyes and i asked was he okay he said "I'm fine dear no need to worry" something didn't feel right but I just ignored it, I was just ready to go to their house. 

This is where it all began, My grandpa started shaking sweat running down his face he starts holding his chest but trying to keep control of the steering wheel. My grandma says "oh dear what is going on she tries to stop the wheel" then all I hear is silence, as my grandpa hit this truck coming towards us. 

The ringing, the sound of the car flipping in the wind, the tears that stained my eyes knowing that this was it. The car makes a final drop, Us hanging upside down. All I heard was ringing in my ears, and the blur that took over my vision. I whisper their names just so I can know their ok but there's no response, so I start panicking even more. 

Through the broken window I see, two men coming out their cars and rushing to the car and all I hear is "THERES A GAS LEAK GET HER OUT" till everything went black. 

...I wake up in a hospital bed regaining my vision, my parents are next to me with bloodshot eyes and laying down. I whisper my moms name "mom?" and she rushes to me and says I'm ok and kisses my forehead multiple times, as confused as i am it all came back to me from the restaurant to me blacking out inside an upside down car. Then i remembered who was in the driver and passenger seat. 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐩𝐚. 

I turned to my mom and dad and looked at them then asked "where's grandma and grandpa" then they look at each other, what's going on. I give them the most confusing look, my mom says "sweetie mama and papa.. uh they um." and all I can here my head saying is no no no no don't think the worse Athena they are ok. A tear comes out my mom eye and i knew. 

"they didn't make it." my heart sunk I lost the two people I loved most. the ones that treated like a princess, the ones that comforted me, the ones that made cookies late at night with me, the ones that danced with me all night long. 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.

I kept saying no all over, sobbing and screaming in my mom and dads arms just crying all fucking day, I lost them and I cant get them back. I couldn't sleep and i still cant till this very day, everything didn't feel the same. I stopped baking cookies I stopped dancing just for the sake of remembering them and remembering that night but its stuck to me its stuck to me like a piece of gum stuck to a bottom of a shoe.

I snap back to reality, and I realize I'm going to be late I still have scars from that accident. There has already been tears falling out my eyes I just wiped them off, hurried on my clothes and getting ready to leave the house i grab my plate of food and give both my mom and dad a kiss, surprisingly their home they usually have so much business work to do or work oversees that they get hotel but I guess not today, my mom says "love you sweetie." and I walk out and shout out "love u too" using my last energy boost to do so. 

I get in the car with Katherine and give her plate too, her and my parents are pretty close too. She's like a sister to me and my parents treat me like her own since her parents left. She says "ready for school" and I say "are you really asking me a question you already knows an answer too?" and she says "oh c'mon this senior year is going to be kick ass" and all you can say is "mhm" cause you know its not because he's going to be there. Lorenzo Ashford.

You guys drive off to school, not wanting to go which you have to for the grades to stay up and make your parents proud. We arrived to the school and Katherine walks up to me and grabs my hand we make our way to the school entrance. Just as we were there was a big crowd, Katherine of course wanted to go see what it was. 

She dragged me with her, and she rummage through the crown just as we got to the front we saw a guy on top of another throwing punches at the guy below, it was Lorenzo Ashford.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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