Part 6~ You Are Now Mine

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"I. .I better get going," he says awkwardly. You side eye the thing that fell on the floor. "Yeah. That's probably the best idea," y/n says.

He grabs his black leather jacket and walks out the door, smiling and waving goodbye.

After he's gone, you go on your dating app again. No new matches.
"Should I clean what fell on the ground?" Y/n asks themself. You pick up the balls and fling them outside. You hear someone scream. It's probably nothing.

The next day..😋😋😋😰🤫🤫🤫

"I'm so bored I need...mega mega megamind" you stutter cutely. You decide to go to the concert in the park. It's at 5:30, so you decide to eat Younger people. It's now 5:20 so you pick up your bag and leave.

Walking on the sidewalk, you notice the bright lights along the park. "Wow. I can't believe I'm here alone." You sigh sadly, and try not to think of Mega papi I mean mega mind.

You see a bald blue head in the crowd. "Yall its mega man," you say and everyone stares at you. You run over to him and wave. "Hey! It's good to see you here," you say, smiling. He turns around. "Oh hey, y/n! You look great, as always," he replies. You blush. He takes your hand and you both watch the concert together. After the concrete collapse you both walk to his place <3

You both get closer to eachother and he winks stupidly. He takes his clothes off and you see he still has no balls. "Here have mine," you say generously, handing yours over to him. "Thanks."

"You are now mine," he tells you. You respond smartly:


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