1: early years

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Amara was, quite the child. She wasn't planned at all, nor did we really want her, but we ended up with her. I didn't have any complaints, but her Father did. I was always her favorite anyways. She was a strange little miracle. Born of a freak accident and a little fae magick, she was a gift and a curse.

She looked nothing like her Father and I, more mirroring the fair folk that had helped bring her into existence. I suppose that's to be expected when I'm the embodiment of thunder and her Father the embodiment of rainbows. Her long golden hair and leaf green eyes were the envy of many a forest nymph and her speed and stealth were the subject of much scorn.

I was told to raise her as a lady, which I had no knowledge of, and neither did her Father, though he pretended to. She was truly the child of nature, learning all the necessary information to live off of the woodlands she called home. She embraced her wild side, reveling in the joy of knowing how to take care of herself when her Father and I weren't around.

She did manage to get into quite a few quarrels though, and wasn't very popular around the more intelligent forest inhabitants. The water and forest nypmhs, fair folk, and even the rare mortal she encountered looked upon her wildness with scorn and anger.

Being simply a rainbow, I had no idea how to train her, or keep her abilities in check. The fair folk certainly weren't going to help me, and her Father was no assistance at all. She was content though, living her days learning how to use her powers and growing strong and wild with the trees.

Amara had always been a unique and interesting child but adding her powers on to her personality…she was fiery and quick-witted. Plants and animals bend to her will, and life sprouts from under her feet. The ability to levitate and see through enchantments also are formidable talents. The ability to bend and reflect light was always her personal favorite. The last, however, I believe to be the saddest.

She is immortal. Cursed to forever bloom, giving her body and mind no rest. She will never die by either natural or unnatural causes. She will be in this sprightly, young body, for as long as the world is spinning, and I believe she will still be here after it stops.

I feel so sorry for the child I have created.

Amara Haruna: nature's miracleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ