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"Ah, Wilbur you're awake." Phil said, walking in from the other room. "Have a good sleep?" He asked.

"Uh yeh," Wilbur said, sitting down at the table, "I didn't expect to sleep that long." He ruffled his fluffy hair and grabbed a piece of toast off a plate.

"Where's Techno at?" Tommy asked, chewing on his own toast.

"He's still asleep." Wilbur said, biting his toast, "he must be tired." He smiled, thinking about how funny his twin had looked when he woke up.

"Somebody's gonna have to wake him soon," Phil said, "he woke be able to sleep tonight if he sleeps during the day."

"I'll go wake him in a minute." Wilbur yawned, nibbling the rest of his toast.

He looked over to Ranboo and Tubbo, who had been throwing toast pieces into each other's mouths.

Phil was about to tell them off for "messing with their food" when footsteps slumped down the stairs.

Wilbur grinned, hearing his twin coming down the stairs.

"Sleepyheads awake." He teased as he saw Techno enter the room, hair hanging down in a mess, no attempt to tidy himself, he had simply just rolled out of bed and came straight down to the kitchen.

"Good morning." Techno grumbled and sat down at the table, picking himself a piece of toast.

"You look like shit." Tommy grinned, he loved annoying his brothers in any way possible.

"Thanks Tommy," Techno rolled his eyes. "I'm just out of bed." He bit down on his toast.

They sat in silence for a minute, Wilbur and Techno too tired to talk, Philza cleaning up plates, Tommy probably thinking of some wrongdoings to commit and Tubbo and Ranboo now eating their food instead of throwing it.

"Anybody have any plans for today?" Phil asked, putting away the last plate.

Ranboo perked up. "Me and Tubbo we're gonna go looking for wood and stone to make arrows." He looked over at Tommy, "you can come too if you want?" He smiled.

Tommy grinned, "I would love too Ranboo. Ive been needing some new arrows." He said, standing up from the table.

"Alright, let's get ready then!" Tubbo jumped up from the table as well, Ranboo following their actions.

"Woah woah woah- slow down here." Phil said, holding his hands up in signal for his sons to stop. "Why are you needing arrows? Your thirteen." He said.

"For shooting practice!" Tubbo said proudly.

"No- you guys are thirteen you don't need to shoot anything." Phil said, shaking his finger in the air as a sign that he disagreed.

"We had arrows at thirteen." The twins said in sync, both grinning at Phil, knowing that they where causing Phil to lose an argument.

"Yeh but-" Phil started, turning to the twins. They knew what they where doing. Phil had let Techno and Wilbur have bows and arrows at a young age but his excuse was that he didn't know better at the time.

"See dad! Wilbur and Techno where allowed them at our age, why can't we?" Tommy said, walking to stand by Ranboo and Tubbo's sides.

"They're dangerous." Phil said, "And I should have know better than to let your brother's have them at a young age." He motioned his head towards the twins and said "Just look at how they turned out now." He teased.

Wilbur perked up, "hey!" He said, mock offended. "What do you mean by 'look at how they turned out now'?" He asked.

"I think we turned out pretty well if you ask me." Techno said through a yawn.

"I agree." Wilbur said, putting an arm around his twins shoulder.

"We definitely turned out better fighters from practice at a young age." Techno grinned.

"Definitely." Wilbur said, matching his twins grin.

"Gods sake," Phil sighed, "there is no wining with you two." He turned to his younger boys. "Fine, you can practice arrows but only if you are dead careful." He warned.

"We will be!" The three younger boys said in sync then ran up the stairs to grab some stuff before leaving.

"I swear to god if one of them gets hurt."Phil sighed, turning around to his older boys.

"They'll be fine Phil." Techno assured him.

"They're not stupid." Wilbur said, not completely paying attention.

Techno and Phil both turned to Wilbur and looked at him like he was crazy.
"This is your brothers we're taking about, Wilbur." Phil laughed.
"You're trying to say they're not stupid?" Techno said, "Well maybe not Ranboo, he probably has the most sense, but the other two would shoot an arrow at the target and somehow hurt themself." He laughed and shoved the last of his toast into his mouth.

"I don't wanna imagine that, Techno." Phil said, shuddering at the thought of his sons accidentally getting shot.

"Oh- sorry Dad." Techno smiled at his father to make up for it.

"It's fine." Phil said, smiling back at Techno.

They fell quiet for a second before Wilbur broke the silence.

"C'mon Techno-" he said, grabbing his twin by the wrist, "lets go do something for once." He pulled Techno off his chair and practically dragged him along.

"Huh- oh? oh all right-" Techno stuttered, slightly shocked by his twins sudden burst of energy, just letting Wilbur drag him along.

"Oh God boys don't do anything stupid." Phil called up to them as the made their way up the stairs.

"We won't!" Wilbur called down, still dragging Techno along, pulling him to their room.

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