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The kids who only think for themselves.
While Im here alone, by myself.
They have looks and act dumb.
Its stupid it makes me go numb.
They dress nice and mock my friends.
One day I wont see them and that will be the END.
They are stupid and mean.
They make everything dirty and not clean.
"Make up is life" she said.
She will turn ugly when she weds.
Luckily I wont see them till Im older.
Sometimes I want to push them a Bolder.
Just shut up with your whining.
You aren't someone who is shining.
You make my head hurt.
And it feels like its about to burst.
They aren't real friends.
They wont be there until the END.
They judge on who we are.
But we are as good as a shooting star.
They hate me. Why?
Thought I don't see it must be a lie.
They hate for who I am.
"Well EXCUSE ME for being who I am M'AM!!"

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