I Don't/Do Care About You

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I don't care, I don't bloody give a damn. That's what Spike told himself as he picked up Dru's unconscious form. It's what he told himself when he saw The Great Forehead back the Slayer into a corner. What he continued to tell himself when the git raised his sword, taunting her. A horrifying thought struck him without his permission, the berk was gonna kill her. That wasn't the shocking, strike you down on the spot, part. No, the part that rubbed him the wrong way is that he didn't want her dead. Not by Angelus' hand while he tells her how alone she is. Not while she's stewing in pain from that sort of betrayal. The sort of betrayal that comes from still loving someone who doesn't give a lick about you. He's been there, done that, got a niffy set of fangs for his trouble. What will Goldilocks get when the dust settles? Better yet, what the bleeding Hell will happen to the rest of the world if Peaches comes out on top? He supposes he could swoop in and dust the ponce after he offs the girl. The window of opportunity being as Angelus takes a mo to soak in his 'victory'. Or maybe he'll do the unthinkable. Maybe he'll whisk her off somewhere to break her, then turn her. Make Dru a little sister. He always was a sick twisted bastard, and that's saying something coming from a fellow vamp. His Grandchilde no less. The thought of Peaches taking his fierce strong-willed Slayer, and turning her into some dependent fledge who's gone completely carrot top makes his blood run colder than it already is.

She doesn't deserve that, and if he's being completely honest with himself, she doesn't deserve to die before her rightful time either. He vaguely registers that he thought of the Slayer, Buffy, for a split second as his. He files that away for later, when everything's not a high stakes game of who gets to die. He looks down at his Dark Princess; he doesn't have much time. He has to make a quick decision that rests on whether or not he cares about the Slayer. About what happens to her that is, it's not like he actually cares about HER, as a person. It's not like he's bothered to look past the Slayer persona to see the amazing woman underneath. The way she tries, the way she- oh bollocks. Fucking Hell! God bloody damn it! Damn it all.. William The Bloody, The Slayer Of Slayers, Spike, cares about some teenage bird. Not just any teenage bird, God forbid, but the one and only: Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Wasting not another mo, he runs to the corner of the room. Gently placing his Sire down in hopes she'd be safe here from whatever the Hell's about to come from this very stupid decision. Racing head first into the fray was his specialty, so that's exactly what he did. He unfortunately didn't get to enjoy the look of complete surprise on Angelus' face as he tackled The Brooding Wonder to the ground. "Turns out she's not as alone as you thought, huh Peaches?", Spike had taunted. The game plan was simple, distract the poofter till the Slayer's back on her feet.

Then they could go from there. It would've been selfish of him to get all the good hits in without thinking to include her. "If this is about Dru, you can have her.", Angelus offered after getting a particularly hard punch to the gut. He spoke as if he was doing Spike some huge favor. As if he was a saint just doing his daily good deed. It made The Slayer Of Slayers feel like a charity case. Made him want to see The Brooding Arse as dust in the wind even more than he did before, if such a thing were possible. He dove for the sword he dropped when Spike tackled him. The Slayer beat him to it, slicing at his hand with her own sword. He reeled back, and had to focus all his energy on not getting decapitated. "Dru's not yours to give away, you wanker. She's mine!", Spike exclaimed while picking up the discarded weapon. Now it was really two on one. Without the sword he just would've been in the Slayer's way. "Do you really still believe that Willy, after all this time? Don't you remember our little lesson?", Angelus sneered as he continued to mostly dodge the duo's attacks. He had cuts on his face and hands, his clothes starting to become tattered and shredded. "Drive him back!", Buffy ordered before kicking the poof through the doorway. Back to the room where Drusilla was. He followed her instructions, they were winning after all. He hoped she had some sort of game plan of her own up her sleeve. The light of his unlife was bound to wake up at some point, and he'd at least like to keep one of his girls out of the rest of this fight.

I Don't/Do Care About You(Buffy The Vampire Slayer)(Buffy x Spike)(Spuffy)Where stories live. Discover now