Miss Ward

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It all happened so fast. Seriously I can't seem to get my head around it. I'm laying in bed now in the Ernestel Hotel Florida, only yesterday I was sat at home in my own bed watching the latest episode of Big Brother. Everything has changed; my turquoise blue blind back in England has been replaced by large red curtains draping from golden poles crashing on the luxurious carpet spreading it's width around the suitcases. I already miss home but there is no looking back now, home is in the past. My life starts now everything that happened in my life before this is forgotten. Family and friends will always be on my mind but I have to move forward Tyler is my only family now. I do have one friend back in London, who gave my new phone number, and I'm sure after a while he will be able to give it to my family and other close friends it's just a link so I can tell them that I am okay and happy. I've given up this all for Tyler. My love for her is to strong. No law could ever break it.

It all started when Tyler got a job for a supply teacher at my school; Victoria High. She was 23 and I was just turning 15 when she started. At first she was just the good looking teacher that every boy liked and every girl thought, well they thought very opposite. As time went on I formed a sort of crush for her and I would wait in the cafeteria for her every lunchtime just so I could say hello and have a conversation. I would act cool but inside I was melting like a marshmallow in a cup of cocoa. She was always quite controversial and because she was young she would joke around with the kids. The girls disliked it because of the attention she took from them. It's not my fault they girls in my school have personalities like a plain piece of paper, if they stood next to a wall they would blend in after a while. Tyler, however, had a laugh with everyone, including myself. I used to keep making myself come into situations with her first it started off by waiting around to see her rush from lesson to lesson and then as time went by I built up a friendship with her. I was over the moon. She would always ask me how my day was if I saw her just before the end of school as she walked past my bus stop to walk to her home. The conversations got longer and they got better. Then one day it all changed. I stayed after school knowing she was assisting Mr Gardener in his after school English club. After it finished I hurried off to the bus stop so I didn't miss the last bus. Unfortunately, I missed it and I started to walk through the rain as it poured down through my coat and soaked me. Then, the miracle happened. Tyler, AKA Miss Ward drove past me and pulled over just in front of me. She offered me a lift home as she was heading into Oxford and it was on her way. I jumped at the chance and plonked myself in the passengers seat. I didn't go home that night. The roads were closed due to flooding I the central area so we turned the car around and drive in the opposite direction. I asked tyler if I could stay at hers just for the night and no one would ever know. With our friendship she trusted me to not say anything. The night went on and then out of the blue I stared into her eyes. I kept looking and she looked at me as well. Before I knew it we were in bed and shared a passionate night together. I was so happy but happiness didn't last long... Days after we shared more time together and one time in school we shared our second kiss. Nate Shellac, a boy in the year below, saw us and took a photo of us kissing on his phone. The constant threats both me and tyler received from him for the next week distanced me and Tyler even more. Then he tested Tyler and asked her to give him a large amount of money, we couldn't even afford the 6 figured amount that he had requested. In his anger of not receiving it he planned the way he would expose my affair to the rest of the school. The day came when it all happened. We had a whole school assembly and the head teacher Mrs McFall was away so Mr Greenway took charge and played a DVD which Mrs McFall had asked him to play. The DVD actually contained photos and voice recordings Nate had taken over the pass few weeks of me and Tyler. When the video played I was so shocked. I didn't expect it to happen then, my heart froze and my eyes raise to the top of my forehead. I stood up in fear. The hall looked more busy than ever everyone gasped, people laughed. Nobody knew what to do. Nobody even stopped it the whole room froze like time had stood still. Tyler ran out of the hall, teachers needed to call the police and the head teacher to inform them both on our illegal affair. Students stared at me some in envy and some in shame and most in pure shock. I ran from the hall, outside I said bye to Zac, my best friend, and passed him my new number and told him to only show the people he truly trusted. As my best mate I trusted him to do this. There was so many tears as my group of friends said their goodbyes as we speeded out of the school. Time was spare. We had to use it wisely. I went home grabbed some money and write a quick letter to my parents and grabbed my clothes and shoes. Then straight away I hit it to the airport and got the next available flight, which was to Florida. and now I'm here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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