Normal Girls

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The purple smoke faded away to reveal her feet first.  They were bare, as mine were, but she had golden anklets hung with tiny beaten coins that would clink softly with every step.  The dark, earthy green of her skirt was shown next, swishing loosely above the anklets but hugging her hips.  A matching coin belt encircled the top of the skirt, adding more music to her movements.

                Heads were beginning to turn; those who had somehow missed the initial spectacle now saw the new dancer as her top, a purple wrap wound about her from a single band of fabric, was revealed.  And finally, the face... and as she was shown in her new glory, I learned the magic of the conclave.  As a bartender, she had been identifiable because she had dark red hair.  But she had looked normal.  She was pretty enough, but wouldn't have drawn a second look on the street, and certainly didn't steal attention from even the shyest of dancers.

                Shade was gorgeous, in a way that looked natural and effortless.  Her hair was tousled, as if she'd ridden in a car with the windows down for an hour.  Yet the tumble of hair couldn't hide her eyes.  I hadn't noticed before, but they were a piercing ethereal green.  They shone through her mask like cat's eyes, her green vivid against the darker green and black lace.

                "Safe to say we can start the bidding at 1000?" she asked, smiling wickedly.

                Kleon moved before any other pirate could, appearing out of nowhere to lean over my shoulder and slam gold on the bar.

                "Deal." He said.  "Though that's 1500, more than enough for your scrawny self.  Sound good to you?"

                His question was directed at Vidan, but it was Shade who answered, leaving no room for doubt as to who was currently running the show.

                "1500!?  I mean, that could work.  I know it's not exactly cheap, but I figured someone else would be man enough to stop you from getting what... a sixth girl?"

                The calm shattered as the pirates started yelling, each fighting to have his bid heard over his comrades'.  Shade smirked at Kleon and flipped her hair back over her shoulder, watching the chaos she had created.  Some of the men on the far side of the hall had even gone so far as to begin climbing onto their crewmates in an effort to catch the new dancer's eye, as if the added height would make a man louder.

                "You there!" Shade called out, voice cutting through the clamor.  "What did you say?"

                "I said that I would be willing to pay 1600." The man repeated, straining slightly to be heard across the hall.

                "1600," she repeated, shrugging in mock apology at Kleon.  "1600 from Jumé-falio!  That makes him current high bidder!  Not that he wins.  Remember lads, I'm your last chance at a woman this year!"

                "1650," Obsidarian called out.

                "It's about time!" She laughed.  "We were all beginning to wonder!  You're first mate to Flame's crew right?  And it's taken you this long to try to buy a girl?"

                "I will raise to 1700." Jumé said.

                Shade grinned, looking down at Obsidarian.  "You're going to take that?  An underling rising up to swipe a girl out from under you?  He's not first mate any more you know.  You don't have to listen to him."

                "1800 then!" Obsidarian agreed, laughing.  "Sorry Jumé, but I have deeper pockets than you, it would be best for you to give up now.  You can save what pride you've got left."

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