3] Gotcha!

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《Hear the music with headphones for best experience 》

If you dont know how to play the song while reading (on phone) then here see this video to understand:

As the days passed he became desperate to see her smile .

He missed it.

What was this burning sensation in his heart?

Was it LOVE?

hahahaha noway . I am Tetsuo kaga THE GREAT, I can't fall in love, or can i? Now he just knew it.

He needed to find this girl.

After school that day he sat on that same bench and closed his eyes as if he knew that she was going to be there as the breeze hit his face.

He felt a familiar presence and he smiled wide, feeling atmost peace as the cold breeze caressed his face.

He whipped his head around and screamed in happiness " GOTCHA!". a playful laugh escaped her lips as she turned to leave. " no no no , YOU CAN'T GO!! a flirty smile crept up her lips . His heartbeat went up and his cheeks flushed.

" who are you" he said .
"Maybe you'd find out if you actually paid attention to the people in your school" she laughed while disappearing in the distance.

And once again Tetsuo was left speechless.

The next day at school Tetsuo's mind was filled with thoughts of her and only her .
Never had he looked around and actually noticed his surroundings.
He searched every class and every corner in the school,with no luck. Feeling defeated, he walked through the corridor of the school.

He saw a can of juice on the floor, in frustration he kicked the can but his foot slipped on it and he lost balance. All his weight collapsed backwards .

He was about to hit the floor soon but strong arms caught his waist. And a second later , a pair of familiar sharp eyes and a playful smile were right in front of his face.

It was her....

He felt as if the world had stopped. Cool breeze swept past them as strands of her hair flew over her face with her playful gaze still on him.

She Was The One [ TETSUO KAGA X READER]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang