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XXIII / Nothing New

XXIII / Nothing New

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THE NEXT MORNING, Vera and Fedyor are still at the duke's home and Vera isn't entirely sure why. She isn't sure why they're not already on a wagon bound for the port of Os Kervo and then straight on a ship to Novyi Zem or the Wandering Isles - anywhere as far away from this war-riddled continent as possible. Somewhere people won't recognize them and where they can live out the rest of their days away from this and in peace.

Or as close to peace as they could be in hiding, on the run.

At least they'd be safer there than they are here, now.

I'd like to stay, Fedyor had said to her last night. And how can she deny him this?

Vera will follow Nikolai and Alina to Os Alta- for now anyway.

But she's beginning to regret that decision when they near the city, Vera's riding behind Alina's white horse, the twins and Mal around her on animals with the same color. Nikolai had even given Vera a white horse, and she can't help but wonder if it's to put her firmly into one category as the Sun Summoner and her guard.

Everyone in the Little Palace knows she was one of the Darkling's favored. The King knows it, too. They'll see her blue-and-red kefta, see the hair of fire and they'll recognize her long before she'll get close enough for them to make out the features on her face.

They'll know who Vera Alekson is. The Wolf's Bane, the Inferni the Darkling had taken in and kept close at his side.

If they're looking for people to punish on behalf of what the Darkling did to the King, Vera will be the first on the executioner's block.

She doesn't think that a white horse and riding as close to the Sun Summoner and a pince of Ravka will change any of that. But she supposes it's a step in the right direction.

At least, it does send the message that she's one of them.

The closer they get to the Grand Palace, the less distance to the king they have, the more Vera has to force herself not to fidget in her saddle. They should've left when they had the chance. Why in Djel's name did she ever let Fedyor's words convince her otherwise? Now, they'll be dead before night falls.

Vera's heart drops into her stomach, her thoughts coming to a screeching halt when they crest the hill just outside Os Alta and their procession comes to a sudden stop at the sight of hundreds of First Army soldiers between them and the city, arrayed in perfect formation.

They should have left last night. Now, it's too late. Now, whatever happens, their fate is sealed.

She notices the giant horse and the blonde man in an officer's uniform a moment before he breaks out of the line and begins galloping up and down the line, as if this is his way of asserting his dominance, proving that he's in charge. There are only so many blonde men in officer's coats with medals all over it in Ravka and Vera's posture stiffens at the sight of Vasily Lantsov. Like his parents, she's made herself keep a stern habit of avoiding Ravka's Crown Prince as often as she can.

Witching Hour,     Nikolai LantsovWhere stories live. Discover now