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My breath catches as the doors to the sanctuary open, exhibiting the vast amount of loved ones filling the pews. I smile, seeing Connor at the end of the isle with the pastor. I look up to my dad, who stands beside me with his arm hooked around my own, and start walking when he nods.

As we make our way down the isle, memories of my days in recovery with Conner dance around in my head with the hope of newer, happier ones to come and before I know it my father is handing me over to my fiance.

My concentration on what the preacher is saying is lost when I catch Connor's eyes lingering on the bouquet of roses in my hands. I giggle, thinking of the irony.

I open my mouth to whisper my thoughts, but quickly change my mind when Connor says, "I do."

I smile, knowing what's coming. "And do you, Demetria, take Connor to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

MY DEAR, DEMETRIAOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora