Part 1 - Café

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The streets on Libero were filled with laughter, chaos and shop keepers shouting out sales for what they wanted to sell. People were in a hurry to get discounted stuff and groceries. Then again, a day like this doesn't come every 3 years. Almost everyone was running, shoving money into the worker's face and carrying a dozen bags. Well, everyone but Y/n Suzuki. She was different, an outcast, a complete weirdo. They call her many names. Such as bookworm, ocean obsessed freak, mistake, Eldian filth, daughter of two traitors and many more. But she couldn't give a flying fuck.

She was currently in the shell store, where they sell hundreds of different varieties of shells as well as hundreds of different books to read. Y/n goes there every single day. By now Mrs Sato was fed up with having to see her face in her shop every morning, but is forced to deal with it since she rarely has any customers. Mrs Sato could never hate anyone, she was too kind. She merely wishes for Y/n to have a break from books and shells for at least a week. She was like a mother figure to Y/n.

"I think I'll get this one Mrs Sato! What do you think?" Y/n beams with joy and shows her the specific seashell she's chosen today. Mrs Sato sighs and turns around to face a childish Y/n with a wide smile plastered on her bright, innocent face. While tucking a white strand of hair behind her ear Mrs Sato examines the shell

"Ah, the queen conch! Fabulous choice dear, now pay and get out." Mrs Sato jokes and makes her way to the till while smirking.

Suzuki frowns and follows her elder to the till. Why does she want me out of her shop so bad? Y/n thinks to herself. She pushes her negative thought out of her head just like she always does when she gets them.

"That'll be 4.45 dear," The much older woman puts the seashell into a brown paper bag and puts it on the counter.

Y/n fishes into her plain purple purse that was strapped around her body. She pulled out a five-pound note and hands it to her favourite shopkeeper. Mrs Sato tries to get the change from the till but visibly struggles because of her age.

Y/n takes notice of this and says, "Don't worry Mrs Sato, you can keep the change!" Y/n reaches out to grab her bag and makes her way outside the shop. She stops in front of the door and waves to the shopkeeper with the same smile that she wears every day.

Mrs Sato sighs with a small smile and mutters, "Whatever will I do with you my dear Y/n?"

Y/n Suzuki skips through the very crowded streets and makes her way to her special cafe. Despite people giving her dirty looks, Y/n still had her famous smile plastered on her face as she wonders Libero. That's what made her weird to the people of Libero. She was well known—in a bad way.

To the citizens of Libero, Y/n was just someone who didn't fit in, the child of two traitors that were disloyal to the Marleyan government, Y/n lost her parents at the age of 6 after them getting exposed to Warrior Candidates. All she was to her parents was a lost cause. Well, that's what Y/n thinks.

When losing both her parents at such a young age, Y/n was confused as to why they weren't showing up through the front door anymore. She stood at her door, waiting for them to open the door and to hug her once they finish their work like they always did. This carried on for about 9 days until a man called Tom Xaver walked into her life, literally. He walked through her front door and took her under his wing until he passed on the Beast Titan to a boy named Zeke Jaeger. Tom taught her all the things she would have learned if her parents showed up. But they never did.

Y/n opened the glass door leading to Libero's top cafe and the people's chatter was paused to now pay attention to the familiar lady that walked through the door. All eyes were on her. This was something she was used to, but what she wasn't used to was that a group of people didn't stop their conversation to look at her up and down then proceed to spread rumours about her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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