Chapter 8

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Jayla had taken Delia to an open field full of daisies, away from the noise and drama

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Jayla had taken Delia to an open field full of daisies, away from the noise and drama. Delia squealed as Jayla carried her from behind, spinning her around.

She let her down, Delia giggling as she turned and held her hand, twirling herself making Jayla grin adoringly at her. In this moment, neither did Delia nor Jayla feel like they like each other, it was much more than that. They heard music from the wind and their own laughter, twirling and kissing one another.

Jayla fell on the grass, lying on her back. Delia copied her actions, looking at the bright sky. Jayla propped herself up on her elbow, looking down at Delia. She extended her arm, stroking her cheek gently with the finger. Delia looked at her ,a kind smile on her face. "You're beautiful," Jayla said quietly. "Can I tell you something?"

Delia nodded, putting her hand on her cheek, caressing it. "I love you." Jayla said softly, her eyes showing that her confession was genuine.

Delia's eyes widened and so did her smile, a giggle escaping her throat, "Say it again.

""I love you. I love you, I love you, Delia Gray." Jayla grinned, leaning down to kiss her lips. Delia wrapped her arms around her neck, making Jayla straddle her, deepening the kiss.

Delia smiled in the kiss, tilting her head for another angle, Jayla smiling when she realized that she was smiling, pulling away to look at her. "I love you, Jayla Walton ."Delia said, gazing into her eyes.

"I'm the happiest fucking woman in this whole world." Jayla said before kissing her girlfriend again, passionately.

They were a picture perfect couple. Cliche to most people but the type of couple that everyone wished they could be. They had been together since the beginning of the school year, only seemingly to grow closer and get more attached to one another.


What Delia didn't know was there was a lake and Jayla had a surprise for her.

"Jayla where are you taking me" Delia said
"Follow me love" Jayla said
"Okay I'm right behind you" Delia said
"Okay where here, close your eyes" Jayla said

(She closed her eyes and brought towards the picnic and she move her hands)

"Omgg babe this is beautiful" Delia said running towards Jayla

Jayla held Delia up by her butt and kissed her
"I love everything you do for me but please let me do our next date and plan it also" Delia said pouting
"Okay love deal" Jayla said
"Okay come on and let's eat and than swim" Delia said

Jayla held Delia up by her butt and kissed her"I love everything you do for me but please let me do our next date and plan it also" Delia said pouting "Okay love deal" Jayla said "Okay come on and let's eat and than swim" Delia said

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Delia outfit (btw is beautiful)

Jayla outfit ( the outfit looks beautiful and so does her)

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Jayla outfit ( the outfit looks beautiful and so does her)

"You look beautiful darling"Delia said smiling "And so do you love"Jayla said smiling back "Let's go swim" Delia said taking her dress off (Jayla watched her take her dress off with pure admiration)Delia ran towards the water and jumped in screami...

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"You look beautiful darling"Delia said smiling
"And so do you love"Jayla said smiling back
"Let's go swim" Delia said taking her dress off
(Jayla watched her take her dress off with pure admiration)
Delia ran towards the water and jumped in screaming"I Feel Free".
"Come on babe" Delia said
"Im coming" Jayla said taking her dress off
(Delia watched her with pure love)

Jayla wrapped her arms around Delia
"I wanna ask you do you wanna go on a trip with me and my family"Jayla asked
"I would love to and when is this" Delia said
"Okay and it's in a week"Jayla said
"Oh ok and I'll talk to my mother about it"Delia said
"Okay well let me know"Jayla said


"I'll call you when I get back home, alright?" Delia said into the phone to Jayla, balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder and ringing Jessica's doorbell while balancing a box of cupcakes and a bag of some junk.

"Alright. Be safe. I love you." Jayla said on the other side of the phone, a smile apparent in his voice.

Delia grinned, still not used to the sentence, "I love you too." She answered before they hung up, the same time Jessica's dad opened the door, smiling kindly at the teenager.

"Hello, Mr. Baker." Delia grinned, walking inside when he opened the door and stepped aside for her to enter

"Hello, Delia. How are you?" He asked his daughter's best friend

"I'm great, what about you?" Delia asked him kindly.

"I'm good. Jessica's upstairs as usual." He motioned.

Delia nodded before walking away and up the stairs before knocking on Jessica's door, hearing her yelling a "come in". Delia entered, "I got you stuff!" Delia grinned at Jessica.

"You're going to make me obsessed, Delia ." Jessica joked as she opened the box that Delia had put in front of her along with the bag.

"Oh shut up." Delia said jokingly.

"You have no idea how much I love you right now." Jessica sighed in content as she took a bite of a cupcake, closing her eyes in pleasure.

"I know. I'm awesome." Delia shrugged, flipping her imaginary long hair playfully.

"How's lover girl?" Jessica asked, her mouth full.

Delia blushed, looking at her best friend excitedly, "We said the I love you's." She whispered, as if telling her a secret.

Jessica squealed, "No way!" She attacked Delia in a hug, demanding details.

The two girls sat together, pigging out and talking about everything that has been happening. Delia comforting Jessica from all the drama she was in and Jessica complimenting Delia's relationship. In that moment, they thought nothing could go wrong when they're together.

(Btw drama is on its way Because this relationship seems to perfect but what's coming is going to test there relationship.!!!)

Bad Decision ~ Jayla Walton Where stories live. Discover now