Longing for Elizabeth

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That evening was far more agreeable than the previous one. Although it wasn't common for Mr. Darcy to smile a lot he was certainly happier than before. They started eating and talked about Miss Elizabeth. "I am convinced that you would love her Georgiana" he said. "Of course, I would. And besides I always wanted a sister! I'm sorry... of course I'm very happy to have a brother" she said with a smile. After a moment of silence, she continued: "So what is Miss Elizabeth like?" "Well... she has brown hair; she is quite tall and has the most beautiful face. Imagine the prettiest and finest dark brown eyes. Then of course she has the strongest personality I have ever seen" he laughed. "Nothing can intimidate her. As you know she is very fond of walking. She walks every day. I have to say that it makes her face appear even prettier. She also plays the piano forte quite well" "Oh...how lovely! We could play duets together! I have to say that after your description of her, she sounds like the perfect lady. I would love to meet her!" "So would I. What would I give to see her again...But the chances of that are lower than France taking over our Country I believe." "Only the future will tell us. But for now, how would you like to hear this new piece I practiced this morning?" Even if this melody reminded him of her, he was ready to hear it. "I cannot wait to hear it!" They stayed up very late and he enjoyed Georgiana's playing while dreaming of seeing her again. And after all, sometimes dreams do become reality...

Many weeks had past and Mr. Darcy had to go on business to London. Georgiana was alone at Pemberley. Originally, they planned on leaving only in a few days but they finished earlier than expected. He was accompanied by Colonel Fitzwilliam. On that Evening they went to a party in the centre of town. They were all dancing except Mr. Darcy of course. He would only dance with Miss Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy felt miserable. For the past days he had been distracted but during this evening all his pain and feelings came back. He remembered his time at Netherfield and of course the first time he met her. Barely tolerable he called her. How funny this felt now. Mr Bingley would call him a liar. "She was definitely enough tolerable to tempt me!" he thought. Maybe he should have danced with her at that ball. She would have had a better opinion of him. Mr. Darcy had enough of this party. Colonel Fitzwilliam on the other hand was really enjoying himself. "Don't you want to dance instead of standing miserably in the corner?" "I'd rather not. If you allow it, I will go home. I'm afraid that I am too much in suffer to celebrate" "If this is your wish then we shall leave" They left and on their way home Mr. Darcy said: "If you don't mind, I will return to Pemberley tomorrow. Georgiana misses me already and I think that I've seen enough of London for now." "Of course, as you wish. If you allow it, I would like to stay in London" Mr. Darcy bowed and said: "Goodbye Fitzwilliam. I wish you a pleasant time in town and I hope to see you soon. "They separated and Mr. Darcy was soon on his was back home. But who he would see at his return came totally unexpected and never in a million years would he have imagined it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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